A few days later, Marisol traveled to California for the funeral. She sat in the front of the church between Tommy and Justin. Marisol just sat blankly with no expression on her face, until she felt another hand brush against hers. She turned to Justin and forced a weak smile. "Marisol, sweetie its ok to cry. You know we're all here for you." He whispered in her ear. She put her hand on his cheek and thanked him silently. "I'm just all cried out Cutie and I just wanna try to remember that Theresa is in a better place right now and that she's smiling down on me. She probably wouldn't want to see me crying." Marisol said bravely. "Well, are you ready to give your thoughts on Theresa?" Justin asked. "Yeah." Marisol replied as she got up and went to the podium.

"Good morning everyone, my name is Marisol Vega. Theresa and I were best friends and roomates. She was such a special and important person in my life. When I first came to California, she was the first person to welcome me with open arms. She made sure I was comfortable at all times and made sure that she would be there whenever I needed her, and she was always there." Marisol said wiping a tear from her eye. "Rezzy brought so much sunshine and love into my life with her intelligence and sense of humor and I thank God everyday for guiding me to such a great person who was not just a friend, but a sister. To the Santiago family, I just want to say that I am eternally in your debt because you raised such a great girl and you also welcomed me whenever and I just want to thank you so much. I just want to end by saying that Theresa will always be in my heart and in my mind as one of the sweetest, most genuine people that I've ever known. Thank you"


Justin and Marisol sat in the restauraunt eating their dinner two months after Theresa's funeral.They were both in town for the Video Music Awards. "So how you been Cutie?" Marisol asked. "I've been great. I'm kind of nervous for tonight, but I'll be just fine." he said smiling back at her. "Well don't be nervous. You'll do just great."Marisol replied. The jazz band began to play and Justin gestured for Marisol to dance with him. She put her arms around his neck. "So you're probably wondering why I asked you to dinner." Marisol said. "Why should I waste my time wondering? I'm just so happy to be in your presence. Its not everyday that I get to have a private dance with a 'Genie' dancer." Justin joked. "Ha, ha. Very funny." Marisol said sarcastically.

"In all seriousness Marisol ,and I know you're probably just gonna ignore this whole statement, but I do love being with you. You have such a warm personality and you're so smart and beautiful, I'm just honored to be able to be here right now. And I know this is gonna probably sound cheesy, but in the words of Jack Nicholson 'You make me wanna be a better man'." Justin said looking into her eyes. She smiled warmly and brought his head down so that his lips met hers in a brief kiss. "What I was going to say Justin is the reason I wanted to talk with you is tell you that I'm ready."Marisol said softly. Justin stopped dancing and Marisol stopped too. "Are you serious?" Justin asked excitedly. Marisol nodded her head quickly. Justin grabbed her and hugged her tightly. They both cherished that moment and vowed never to let the other go anytime soon.

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