Marisol laid across the seats in the opera house, during rehearsals for the Video Music Awards. Although Christina wasn't performing, her and Malexi already had set spots in the Nsync and Britney performance. "Isn't it kind of early for you to be tired?" a familiar voice asked. Marisol smiled and looked up. "Its nice to see you too Carson. I'm just so exhausted cause these rehearsals are running me ragged."Marisol said.

"Well don't worry about it. It'll all be finished with by eleven tonight."Carson replied. "You make it sound so easy, but enough about me. How's my fave VJ doing?" Marisol asked sitting up. "Well, things are cool. You know me. I mean we're best buddies. We talk almost every day, so you know just how I'm doing. I think you're trying escape the question I'm about to ask you though."Carson said. "What question? I have no idea what you're talking about."Marisol said crossing her arms. "And frankly I don't think I want to know the question, because I'm not in my right state of mind. Where's my water bottle?" Marisol asked looking around

"Here ya go Sol." Carson said handing her the Evian that was in the isle."Thanks Cars. Now what is this question."Marisol replied."Did you tell Justin last night?" Carson asked plainly. Marisol looked at him, smiled and nodded. "That's my girl. You and Lexi gotta come and talk on TRL today. I mean we're loaded with fan mail for you two."Carson stated. "Ha. You're really funny Carson. As much as I'd love to go and do TRL today, we have to stay here for practice until five."Marisol said sadly. "Not to worry. We're shooting live from here so y'all can come and do the show."Carson answered. "Well its cool. We'll be there, but I gotta go to wardrobe and check my outfit. I'll see ya later babe. Oh, and stop messing with all those ladies. I saw you back there with Charlotte Church."Marisol joked. "Ouch, that hurt Sol. You know I only have eyes for you, you sexy little genie dancer you." Carson said as Marisol walked away. She turned around and blew Carson a kiss and he pretended to catch it. Marisol just chuckled and walked towards wardrobe.

Marisol was about to have a nervous breakdown. She couldn't figure out what outfit she was gonna wear during the performance.She was busy searching through the Nsync section when she felt two arms envelope her from behind. "It shouldn't take you this long to pick out an outfit. You look good in anything." The person said. Marisol turned around and smiled to see Justin. "You're just saying that to make me feel better and because you want a kiss." Marisol pouted. "No, sweetie you really do look good in anything you wear. Even this outfit" He said observing her in her t-shirt and sweats.

Marisol gave him a questioning eyebrow. "Alright, so the kiss was an added bonus too." Justin said. "Well you know that's too bad, because you're not getting one."Marisol stated firmly.

"Come on Marisol, you're killing me sweetie." Justin said as he began to kiss her neck. Marisol almost gave in, but moved away. "No, no, no. Remember the rules. No PDA's, as much as I'd love to give you a kiss, I don't want you to lose your fans . Now after rehearsal if you want to come to the hotel and get a few pre-show kisses, that's a different story,but until then I have to go. Ciao Cutie." Marisol said as she walked off, leaving Justin to stand backstage by himself.

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