Marisol placed the earring in her ear before she observed herself in the mirror. Her outfit consisted of a leather bandana top with leather capris and strappy heels. She then added a a black bandana to her hair, which she decided to let down for tonight. She looked in the mirror and smiled to herself. A year ago, she never would've imagined that she'd be a backup dancer for a fantastic singer and person like Christina, or that she was reunited with Justin. It was just too much for her to take in. Marisol sighed to herself when there was a knock on the door.

Marisol walked over and saw Justin decked out. She smiled as she observed his mouth remain open in shock. "Hey Justin. Come on in." Marisol said opening the door so that he could get in. "Marisol, you look terrific, as always."Justin said kissing her cheek. "Thank you Cutie. You don't look so bad yourself." She said. "So I saw you on TRL today with Carson.." Justin started. "Oh yeah, well he's one of my best friends so it was fun." Marisol said thinking about today's show.

** flashback**

"Hey everyone. We are back here at the Metropolitan Opera House for a special VMA edition of TRL. Right now, I'd like to welcome two familiar faces. You may know them as 'Genie' dancers, but to me they're just Sol and Lexi. Ladies and gentleman those lovely genie dancers Marisol and Malexi. Welcome ladies."Carson said. "Hey Carson." the both said. "So tell me the whole vibe at this show. Is it relaxed or is everyone just really uptight and nervous?" Carson asked.

"Its very relaxed. Everyone is very comfortable and I just wanna let you guys at home know that you're gonna get a kick ass show tonight." Malexi said. "Now you guys are Christina Aguilera dancers, but she's not performing and you're here in dance gear. What's up with that?"Carson asked. "Well, actually we're dancing with *Nsync for their performance tonight because they needed extras and we're all very good friends, so it should be really exciting."Marisol said.

"Well, we have to cut to the next video now, why don't you guys introduce it?" Carson said. "Sure. Holding on to the number 2 spot today on TRL, here's Christina Aguilera with 'Genie In A Bottle'." They said before it cut to the video. While the video played Marisol and Malexi began to beat up on Carson and before they knew it they were back on air. "Oh we're on. Hey and that was Christina at 2 with 'Genie'. Now you people may not believe this from what you just saw. But we are all best friends." Carson said. "Sadly, its true people. What can I say, we're desperate girls." Marisol joked. "Well, I know plenty of guys who'd love to end that and just go and date you ladies. Speaking of dates, who has the honor of being your dates tonight?" Carson asked. "Well Malexi's going with Carson. He knows it, but he just wanted to put it in all of your faces. I would love to say who I'm going with, but people might take it wrong cause we're just friends and have been since we were really young." Marisol said.

"Well inquiring minds would love to know Sol. So let your public know. Who's your date?" Carson asked. "Ok, its Justin from *Nsync, but we've been friends ever since MMC people. My uncle Tommy was a camera man and I would come to the set and I'm friends with everyone, *Nsync, Britney,Kerri, everyone. There's nothing more and nothing less, honestly." Marisol said. "Yeah, so please stop screaming your lungs out and throwing objects at the screen ladies. I'm her best friend and I should know." Carson said. "But anyway, you ladies should be getting back in there for rehearsal. Its always a pleasure to talk to you too even though I do it everyday. Hey fellas,get this, I've got something you don't have...their cell phone numbers.So there.. Hehehe. Carson joked. Marisol and Malexi burst out laughing."Anyway, since you guys are leaving, why don't you introduce the number 1 video for today." Carson said. "Ok, well at number 1 today, here's *Nsync with "Music Of My Heart" on TRL." Malexi said as they cut to the video.

** end flashback**

"Yeah, it was fun. I just really hope that your fans don't get upset with me." Marisol said putting her head down. "It doesn't matter what they think. As long as I love you its all that matters.OK?" Justin said as he lifted her chin up. Marisol nodded and noticed the time. "Come on we gotta go, if we're gonna make it on time." she said as she grabbed his hand. Justin stopped a few feet from the door.

"Wait, what about my pre show kisses?" Justin asked. "Boy, if you don't get out that door right now.You won't have any curls by the end of the night.Got it?" Marisol yelled. "I got it, I got it." Justin said sheepishly. Still a firecracker. he thought to himself as they got onto the elevator.

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