Chapter 13

"SUNNY! Hey girl!" Natalie screamed as the two embraced. "Hey Nat! What's up and why is there a ring on your finger?" Marisol asked. "Oh its not what you think. JC gave it to me as a promise ring. We are so in love, gosh I probably sound like a sick little creature, but I love him so much." Natalie said gushing. Marisol smiled at her friend. "Well I'm so happy for you. Now let's go and head out to this show." Marisol said as they caught up to the guys who were already in the limo.


Marisol and Justin stepped out onto the red carpet and flashes went off immediately. Surprisingly, everyone was calling Marisol's name but she just smiled and waved. They walked over to the MTV stand where Serena Altschul was waiting for them. "Hey and look who we have here. Its none other than Justin Timberlake from Nsync anddancer Marisol Vega. How are you two doing tonight?"Serena asked. "We're doing great. We always loving coming to the VMA's just because everyone has this come as you are thing going on ." Justin said. "Now Marisol, I'm sure the ladies are dying to be in your position right now. What's up between you two?" Serena asked. "First off, God bless any girl who'd want to put up with this guy.Marisol joked. "No I'm just kidding. Girls he's so normal that its annoying. He's just like your best guy friend from high school.He'll pick on you and pull your hair and just act crazy like any normal teenager. In all seriousness though, Justin and I are just friends like I said on TRL today.We've been close since we were like 11 years old. There's nothing more to it." Marisol said simply. "Well the show's about to start so you guys should get in there. Enjoy the show and good luck." Serena said shaking their hands. "We will, thank you."Justin said as they walked into the Met.

The show progressed and the performance came and went like it was nothing. It was now time to announce the Viewer's Choice Award. The guys in Nsync held hands and said a silent prayer as they waited for the winner to be announced. "And the winner is......*Nsync!!!" Rebecca Romijn Stamos shouted. Everyone jumped up and hugged before taking the stage. Justin walked up to the front of the podium to speak for the group, while the other guys just hung in the back.

"Thank you so, so much.Whoa this thing is so cool. First off we have to thank our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for blessing us with all of the success that we've had. Next we have to thank our fans because you went out and voted and this is dedicated to you guys. We'd also like to thank our friends and family at home as well as radio, MTV, VH1, media and everyone else who has supported us through everything. We also have to thank our record company and management. Johnny Wright you're a great manager and a great frien. Lastly, I'd like to personally thank 'Sunny' for shining a light in me that I've never seen before. I love you baby. Thanks again everyone." Justin said

Marisol ,Malexi, and Natalie exchanged shocked looks. Marisol mouthed 'I love you' to him and wiped the tear from her eye.The show soon ended and the guys returned. They were soon whisked off to an MTV after party where they met up with Serena again. "So, Justin who exactly is this Sunny that you thanked at the awards?" Serena asked. Justin chuckled and looked at Marisol across the room dancing and laughing with Chris, Christina, and Joey. "You see that girl over there?" he said pointing to Marisol. Serena nodded and smiled. "Well that's my sunshine. Her smile lights up my heart everytime I see it and I love her with all of my heart. If the fans can't realize that and want to start hate pages and stop buying our music, then they were never fans to begin with." Justin said. Serena smiled and thanked him before moving on. ***

Justin and Marisol were at Justin's house watching MTV when they saw the clip being played of Justin talking about Marisol. Justin looked at Marisol as she watched the clip closely. Justin chuckled to himself. Marisol looked at him strangely. "What, what's so funny?" she asked. "You're just so cute. I don't know what I did to deserve you."Justin said pleasantly. "You know I wonder the same thing sometimes." Marisol pondered. Justin gave her a hurt look and Marisol smirked before giving him a kiss. She smiled because finally she had found where she belonged.

No, the rain won't last forever.
Find a way to make it better
Long as we can stand together
Love will find a way ~ Christina Aguilera Let's Get 'N Fanfiction