Marisol and Malexi walked into the hotel quickly. "Sunny, would you mind slowing down?" Malexi joked. Marisol ignored her friend. She never liked being late and today wasn't going to be an exception. She went straight up to Christina's hotel room and knocked on the door. Christina opened it looking a little tired. She smiled when she saw it was Marisol. "Hey Christina. This is my friend Malexi " Marisol said giving her a hug. "Hey to you too.Hey Malexi. Its nice to meet you. I hear you're a great dancer. ." Christina said letting them in to the hotel room. "Its nice to meet you too. Thanks for the opportunity." Malexi said sitting down in one of the chairs.


Justin plopped down onto the hotel bed in the room he was sharing with JC. "How long are we gonna be here for again ?" Justin asked. "Oh about a week and then we head to New York for the TRL special with Christina. "JC replied. "Well what are we doing tonight, seeing as how its our night off ?" Justin asked. "Well we could go to a club. Natalie said there's a place called 'The Skylight' or something." JC said. "That'll be great. I'm not really in the mood for staying here."Justin joked. Natalie entered the room and plopped down next to Justin. "McKenzie don't you have your own room ? Why must you come and bother me in mine ?" Justin asked in an annoyed voice. "Because its the only way for me to get satisfaction on this tour." Natalie said rustling his hair. "Hey, I take offense to that." JC said with a pouting face. "Well ok, there are other things that can keep me satisfied." She said getting up and kissing JC. "Oh god... get out of here." Justin said throwing a pillow at the two.


"Marisol are you sure you don't wanna come clubbing with us tonight?" Malexi asked. "For the last time Smiley, I'm too tired to go clubbing. I'll tell ya what if ya meet someone and you end up not liking him then introduce him to me since we're dead ringers for each other."Marisol said as she turned on her computer. "Fine, fine. I guess its just me and Rezzy then. Adios." Malexi said leaving the room.

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