Justin sat at the table in the club watching JC and Natalie dance together. He wished he had someone to dance with. A lot of the ladies had asked him to dance, but he just didn't feel like dancing with anyone tonight, except Marisol. That's when he saw her. 'It couldn't be her. Stop your dreaming Timberlake, you're hooked up on this girl too much.'Justin thought to himself. "Wait, Marisol lives in California. What the heck?It's worth a shot. Justin said getting up and heading over to the girl.

He tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around. It wasn't her, but this girl looked so much like Marisol that Justin couldn't believe it. "Do you wanna dance?"the girl asked. "Sure. I'm Justin."He said "NIce to meet you. My name's Malexi." The girl answered. The two continued dancing but were soon interrupted by another girl. "Malexi, we have to head home now. Its getting late and you have work tomorrow." Theresa said eyeing Justin. "Alright Mother, here's my number Justin. Give me a call." Malexi said heading out of the club.

When they got to the car, Theresa pulled Malexi to the side. "Malexi do you know who you were talking to?" Theresa asked. "Yeah, I was talking to a really nice guy named Justin." Malexi answered. "Yeah, that was THE know Marisol's Justin." Theresa replied. "Oh no, why didn't I see the connection? I guess the lights were so low I couldn't really see him that much. We're in some big trouble cause I gave him our number." Malexi stated. "Well, we better not tell Marisol cause she'll freak out. Let's just wait and see what happens." Theresa said getting into the car.


"That was a good rehearsal today folks. Unfortunately, it was our last before the tour which kicks off tomorrow after TRL. So I wish you guys the best of luck even though I know you don't need it." Christina's choreographer Jermaine said. Everyone clapped and Marisol and Malexi went up to Christina. "So Christina, who else is gonna be at the taping tomorrow?" Malexi asked. "Oh I think its me and NSync. I'm not sure who else is gonna be there. But, I have to go because I have an interview to do. So I'll see you guys tomorrow." Christina said leaving the room. "Did she just say Nsync?" Marisol asked Malexi. "Yeah, don't worry Sunny. I'm sure it'll be fine. Now let's get home cause we need to pack." Malexi said.

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