The phone rang, startling Marisol. She picked it up quickly. "Hello?"

"Hey is Malexi there?" the male voice asked. "Umm, she's not here right now, but I could take a message." Marisol said. The voice sounded really familiar to her. "That's ok. I'll call at another time." the guy said. "Ok. Bye."Marisol said. "Bye" Justin said as he hung up the phone. He sat in thought for a few minutes,'Maybe that was her and she didn't want to talk to me cause that voice sounded really familiar' he thought to himself, but soon shrugged it off.

"Marisol, we're home." Theresa and Malexi shouted. "Hey. What'd you guys get?" She asked as she noticed the mountain of bags on the sofa. "Just some clothes for you guys for when you go on tour and some stuff for me." Theresa stated. "Oh cool. By the way Lexi, some guy called for you. He sounded really familiar but I couldn't figure out who it might have been." Marisol said. Malexi looked up in shock. "Um..Sunny, there's something I've been meaning to tell you......."


"That's all Malexi. Don't worry about it. I'm sure that if you saw it was Justin, then nothing would've happened. Its ok." She said giving her a hug. "It is? That's so good. You don't know how much I've been freaking out over this. Thanks Sun." Malexi said giving her a hug." you gals know I love happy endings and all, but we did buy all these. So, let's go try em on." Theresa said as she pulled Malexi and Marisol into one of the bedrooms.


Marisol walked around the Virgin Megastore in New York, looking for a copy of Jay-Z's album. She had already worn out her last copy and it was time for a new one. She was shocked that people were already beginning to recognize her and they had only done Rosie and the Tonight Show, so she decided to play low so that she could get some time to herself, by wearing a plaid fisherman hat with a matching tank top and a pair of jeans, her newly highlighted red and black hair ( to match Malexi's) barely showing. She was looking at the CD to make sure that she wanted it , when she heard a voice behind her. "You know that's a good choice, I have a copy at home myself." The familiar voice said. Marisol turned around and stood shocked. "Its, its you." She stuttered.

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