The guy smiled and nodded. "That's right. Hi, I'm Carson Daly..but you probably knew that right?"Carson said shaking her hand. "Yeah. I'm Marisol, you know I have a copy at home too but its kinda worn out."Marisol said admiring Carson's handsome features. "Well, where do you call home? You're obivously not a New Yorker."Carson said. "Well, I'm living in California for now, but I'm gonna be relocating soon . My job is taking me all over the world." Marisol stated. "Well, you know what my job is..what's yours?"Carson asked. "Well, I'm a 'genie' dancer, as you've put it so many times." Marisol replied. "Really?I didn't even recognize you. So you're gonna be at the show today? That's excellent. Would you like to grab something to eat after the show or something?"Carson asked. Marisol thought for a second 'Wait, doesn't he go with Love Hewitt? Oh no, they broke up that's right. Well he is a nice and handsome guy, but what about Justin? Oh he's in the past. Go for it Sunny.' She smiled at Carson. "I'd love to, but I have to get going now. It was nice to meet you Carson. I'll see ya later. " She said as she went to pay for the CD and leave.


Marisol burst into the hotel room, jumped on the bed and started screaming with delight. Christina and Malexi came in and stared at her with confused looks. "Marisol, what's going on?"Malexi asked. "I just got asked out on a date that's what's up and you'll never guess who asked me." Marisol said excitedly. "Just spill it Marisol because we have to get ready to go soon." Christina said nervously. "Well...the one and only Carson Daly. See I was in the Virgin Megastore and you know its right across the street from MTV, and I was looking at the Jay-Z CD and Carson and I started talking, and he asked me out."Marisol stated. "Wow, congrats girl..but may I remind you of a certain blonde cutie who you promised yourself to ?" Christina said. "Well, its not like I comitted myself to more than a date with Carson. Besides, a girl's gotta eat right?" She said getting her jacket and leaving the room. Christina and Malexi exchanged looks and shook their heads in disbelief.


"And we're back with this very special edition of TRL. I am your host, the one and only Carson Daly. Now we're proud to have with us, the lovely 'genie' herself... Miss. Christina Aguilera. Welcome Christina."Carson said. "Thanks Carson. Thanks everybody for having me, its so cool to be here." Christina said as she walked to the window and waved to the crowd outside. "Well its great to have ya, now how does it feel to have the number one single in the country?" Carson asked. "It is so amazing. This is like my biggest dream and to have a number one single and to actually be on the countdown is a dream come true also, so thanks to all the fans." She replied. "Now I understand you're going to be performing 'Genie In A Bottle' for us today." Carson said.

"Yes I am along with my terrific dancers. There are five dancers, two girls and three guys and I heard that you actually met one of my dancers today." Christina stated. "Yes I did, but we'll talk about that later. Now, we also want to bring out our other guests, who happen to be good friends of yours. Ladies and gentleman, but especially ladies...please welcome NSYNC!"Carson shouted as the guys walked out. They hugged Christina and shook Carson's hand. "And when we come back, we'll talk with these guys and have a performance by the lovely Miss. Aguilera and her lovely ' genie' dancers, when TRL continues on MTV." Carson said as they went to commercial.

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