"Welcome back to this very special edition of TRL. We are here with Christina Aguilera and NSync. Now fellas, the question that every female wants the answer to.. are you guys single?" Carson asked. "YES!"everyone, but JC and Justin said. "What about you two? I hope you're not breaking hearts out there."Carson said. "I am seeing someone right now." JC stated. "And my heart belongs to someone, I'm just waiting for her." Justin said sadly. "Aww, can we say aww people?. Speaking of's Mariah Carey at number 5 with 'Heartbreaker' on TRL." Carson said as they cut to the video.

Carson received a message in his ear and nodded. He walked over to Christina. "Christina, your video is at number 4 today, so get ready to perform." He said. "Ok, thanks Carson." She replied as she signaled for Marisol,Malexi, Dan, James, and George ( the male dancers) to come out. "And that was Mariah Carey with 'Heartbreaker' on TRL. Now, for our number 4 request we have the lady here herself to perform for us. Here she is.. Miss Christina Aguilera with 'Genie In A Bottle'." Carson said.


Justin just stood there in shock after Christina's performance. Marisol looked over at him and smiled, but something inside of him told him not to react. Marisol's heart dropped. "Don't worry girlie, he'll come around." Malexi said. "Thanks Smiley." She replied hugging her before she went over to the guys. "Hey everybody." Marisol said happily. She immediately got bambushed with hugs and kisses. After everyone finished, Justin was the only one left. " Hey you, what's going on?"Marisol said with a small smile. "JC, did you hear anything?" Justin asked. Marisol held back the lump of tears forming. She nodded her head and walked away.

She walked over to Malexi and Christina. "Marisol, what's wrong girl ?" Christina asked. "He doesn't even want to acknowledge my presence." Marisol said sadly. "Well don't worry about Justin. Besides, you have a date with Carson that you have to get ready for. You can't let your first date with him be messy because Justin wants to act all pissy.Forget about him for one day and have some fun." Malexi said. "You guys are right. Its time to move on. Who knows? Maybe Carson is better for me." Marisol said matter of factly. "Now that's the Marisol we know and love. Now you're gonna go on that date and have a great time" Christina said. Marisol nodded and walked over to Carson to talk about their plans.


"Justin what the heck is wrong with you? The girl that you've been thinking about 24/7 for that past four months is here and she's talking to you, and all you can do is give her attitude?" JC said. "Look JC, she left me. Got it? I didn't leave her or hurt her. She hurt me and I will not sit here and let her try to sway me with that gorgeous smile and warm, bubbly personality. And I bet I sound really stupid right now?" Justin said sadly. "Well...yeah..kinda.." the four others said in unison. "Ok..I'm gonna go and apologize then and then I'll ask her out on a date." Justin said walking off like a man on a mission.

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