Justin turned the corner and practiced what he was going to say to her. "So Carson, how's 6:30 ?" Justin heard Marisol ask. "6:30's good. I'll see ya then." He said turning the corner. Justin ducked so that he wouldn't be seen. He then walked over to Marisol and tapped her on the shoulder. She jumped and held her heart. "Oh hey Justin." Marisol said quietly, the nervousness evident in her voice. "Hey, I wanted to apologize for being an ass back in the studio." Justin said. "I accept your apology and I understand if you're still mad at me."Marisol said with her head down. "Marisol, I'm not mad at you. I was just shocked to see you there. Anyway, would you like to talk later because I think we're about to come back from commercial" Justin asked. "Um, yeah. What hotel are you at?" Marisol asked as they began to walk towards the studio. "The Marriot." Justin said. "OK, so am I. Come to room 321 at 8. Ok?"Marisol said walking over to Malexi.

Justin nodded his head in response and walked over to the guys. "So what'd she say Curly ?" JC asked. "We're gonna have a talk at the hotel around 8." Justin said. The other guys nodded their heads. They came back from commercial and finished the show without any problems.


Marisol put the finishing touches on her hair. "Sunny, I still say its wrong that you're going out with Carson." Malexi said as she put on her sweats and a T-shirt. "Look Smiley, I know I shouldn't go out with him, but its only a date. Its not like I'm making some major commitment to him. I'm probably not gonna even see him after this, so there's nothing to worry about. OK Sweetie? Adios." Marisol said putting the last bit of hairspray on. Malexi let out a sigh as Marisol left the hotel room for her date with Carson.

Marisol walked into the restaurant with a confident smile. She spotted Carson sitting in a booth bopping his head to the Kid Rock song blasting on the sound system. She walked over and sat down. "Sorry I'm late. I got a little lost." She said taking off her jacket. "Its OK. So, tell me about yourself." Carson said sipping some coffee. "Well, I'm 18 and I'm originally from California. I used to ice skate and I was the state champion for a couple of years, but I stopped and picked up dancing again because I used to do it as part of my training for skating." Marisol stated. "Cool, I'm from Cali too. How'd you get hooked up with Christina though?"Carson asked.

"Well, I knew her from when we were younger and she was on the MMC. So I knew Kerri, Justin, JC, Britney and everyone else. I moved away before the show got canceled and came back about four months ago. To make a long story short, I was best friends with Justin and we hooked up for a little while but I needed space and I gave it to him. Christina has just been a great friend through this whole thing."Marisol said. "Wow, so you're the girl Justin was talking about when he said he was waiting for this girl, who had his heart ?"Carson asked. "What are you talking about? When did he say that?" Marisol asked cluelessly.

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