"Sunny, its not even like that." Malexi said trying to help Justin out. "Lexi, can you give Justin and I a few minutes alone please?" Marisol asked through gritted teeth. Malexi looked at Justin with a sympathetic look and went to get her jacket in the adjoining room. Marisol took hers off and sat down on the bed next to Justin. Justin's eyes closed as he absorbed her beauty and her scent. "Justin, open your eyes and look at me." Marisol said. Justin obeyed and Marisol continued. "Why were you spying on me Justin?"Marisol asked, a little dissappointment was in her voice. "That's just it. I wasn't spying on you Marisol. I had come to apologize and I overheard what you said to Carson." Justin said. Marisol chuckled and threw herself back onto the bed. "I don't find this situation to be all that funny Marisol. I mean, I thought you wanted your space, but then I find out you're going out on a date with MTV's most eligible bachelor." Justin said.

"Well, well, well. Is it just me or is the teen pop god Justin Timberlake getting a little jealous?" Marisol joked, until she noticed Justin's upset face. She took his hands into her own, which almost caused Justin to melt."Listen Justin, in all seriousness Carson and I are just friends. This was gonna be a date, but we changed our minds. He just broke up with his girlfriend and you know my situation. All it was,was friendly conversation. So, I've kept good on my promise and I'll continue to keep good on it, but you have to promise not to freak every time you see me with someone else. Can you promise me that?"Marisol asked. Justin nodded and Marisol stood up. "Good. Now, I'd like to go to bed. We can have that talk we planned on having tomorrow. I'll call you and we'll take it from there." Marisol stated. "Ok. Goodnight Marisol." he said as he opened the door."Justin, wait."Marisol said as she walked over to him. She grabbed his cheek with her hand and caressed it, like she had done so many times before. She then replaced her hands with her lips and kissed his cheek, leaving Justin stunned. She pulled away and Justin just stood there in shock. Marisol gave a little smirk "Good night Cutie." she said closing the door.


The next morning Marisol woke to see Malexi trying to beat her with the pillows."What the..ouch. Malexi why are you hitting me?Come on Malexi, its our only day off."Marisol said rubbing her head. "Sorry Sunny, but I just wanted to see what happened between you and Justin last night." Malexi said. "Yeah I wanna know too Marisol." Christina said coming in from the adjoining room. Marisol told the girls what happened and then began to get dressed. When she came back out she saw Malexi and Christina pacing back and forth, Malexi looked lost and Christina looked scared.. "What's wrong guys? Did Malexi lose her cell again or something?"Marisol asked.

Christina grabbed Marisol by the shoulder. "Marisol, there's been an accident."Christina said. "What, what's the problem? Whatever it is we can fix it." Marisol said calmly. "Marisol, I think you're gonna need to sit down for this."Malexi said. "Why? What's going on? Will somebody please tell me? Whatever it is I can take it standing, just tell me."Marisol said as fear began to overcome her. She grabbed for the cross around her neck and squeezed it tightly, then looked from Malexi to Christina. Malexi let a tear fall from her eye.

"Marisol, its Rezzy. She was in a car accident last night."Malexi said."Well, she's gonna be alright isn't she? I mean she's strong. She's gonna get better. Right?"Marisol asked. Christina sat down next to Marisol and put her hand on her shoulder. "Marisol, the other vehicle was a truck and the driver was drunk and-"Christina began. Marisol stood up and began to shake her head. "No, no, no. I will not listen to this . I can't hear this and it can't be happening." She said through tears that were flowing down her face. "Marisol listen to me, she tried to fight and she fought hard, but after awhile she couldn't fight anymore."Malexi said as she cried also. Marisol burst fully into tears and fell down to the floor as Christina and Malexi comforted her and themselves as best as they could.

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