She looked out around the park curiously, a smile curling on her shiny pink lips. It was a fine floridian day, the ones the tourists treasured, the sun shone down with a nice warmness that felt good on her pale skin. It was the first day of summer, and she was enjoying it thoroughly. 'Isabelle, this is going to be your lucky day' she said to herself. She ran her fingers through her sun streaked blond hair, her sparkling blue eyes observing the children scattered around the park playing blissfully. She lifted the black and tinted gold headphones to her ears,and pressed play on the walkman the harmonic sounds of her obsession filled her ears. Her smile stayed plastered on her lips,as she started to roller blade around the designated area, doing figure eight's and such. Without hesitation her quirky side took a hold of her, and soon her sweet mellow voice was singing out the words to the tape. "Tearin' up when I'm with you, And when we are apart I fell it too. But no matter what I do I feel the pain when I'm without you". The song, and the rhythmic beat must have caught her thoughts because soon she was tumbling to the hard ground.


He smiled down to her, not able to believe his eyes, nor his ears. 'Justin! She's a babe, get the smile goin' he told himself, as his lips curled into a sexy, earth moving smile. "I'm Sorry, I must have been skating too fast, I didn't mean to run into you" He said with a convincing apologetic smile. He held his hand down,and waited for her to take it before he pulled her up. He closely started to examine her, his more then friendly intentions going into play.


Isabelle shrugged, a timeless shrug that she also gave before planning her words. "Quite alright, don't normally get caught up striking randition of someone elses song" She said with ease. He laughed softly, his nervousness drifting far away as his eyes twinkled in amusement. 'Aww..even his laugh is cute' she thought to herself. She winced nwardly, ready to mentally smack herself an any given moment.

"Yes, what a new randition if I do say so myself, but you have a great voice".

"Oh Damn" I said as I looked down at my watch.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry, I gotta jet. I have to get back to Sony, I took a break from recording,and I was suppose to be heading back 10 minutes ago. Sorry again, Nice meeting you" She said as she bladed off to Song Studio's.


Justin at the moment felt like slapping himself. 'You let a pretty girl slip right through your fingers! How stupid can you be Timberlake?'. He walked back to the guys who were trying to play football, but Chris kept acting like a girl, pretending he didn't want to break a nail. They all looked up at Justin, sensing something just wasn't right.

"Hey, Bounce. Whats wrong?" asked JC.

"I just let a pretty girl go! And I don't even know her last name, all I know is that her name is Isabelle, and she had to go back to Sony studio to record."

"Please tell me this girl's Isabelle Capri" Joey stated.

"Huh, Isabelle Capri? You mean the one that sings 'Is it true'?"

"Isabelle Capri, yes that her, she is the hottest girl in music today..duuuhh" Chris said. Justin looked around his group of friends, he knew he would have to meet Isabelle again, but he didn't know how. Lance started waving his hand infront of Justin's face to get his attention.

"Has anyone else realized that we have a duet with Isabelle today..and WE'RE LATE?" Lance shouted. Four pairs of eyes turned to Justin,and they quickly split 3 in JC's car, and 2 in Justin's.


Isabelle stood in the studio, a large pair of stereo headphones over her ears as she waited for the intro of the song to finish,and her cue to begin. As soon as she began, the people that had just entered the studio were blown away, her voice sounded passionate, like she rather be doing nothing else then what she was now. It was sweet and soothing, it would lighten the mood of any body that cared to listen. "I'd never though I'd see the day, when you walked out of my life. You caused me so much pain and strife. I didn't know where to hide. You were lurking with memories at every corner. No, never though I'd BLAH!". She opened her eyes,and found the members of 'NSYNC on the other side of the glass that made up the sound booth. She turned different shades of crimson before laughing uneasily. She gave another of her timeless shrugs before speaking.

"I didn't like the way it sounded." They all looked at her as though she was a creature from a distant planet trying to take over the world. Soft giggled poured past her lips, as she watched their expressions.

"Well, well, well..Finally I get to get this over with." She said, looking down at my song sheets.

"I can't believe he's making me sing something from Grease, don't I go through enough embarassment? I'm going to kill Pearlman" Isabelle muttered. All of the guys moved into the sounds booth,and fixed their headphones, and waited for the music to start. The first part of the song would be a clip from the 'BeeGee's song "Grease". They guys started off in harmony, and she would take over the womans vocals. She took a deep breath, and waited to release it. "Grease is the word is the word that you heard, it's got groove it's got meaning, grease is the time is the place is the motion, Now grease is the way we are feeling." She sang in a sweet, high voice. After we finished that part, it would go straight into "Summer loving" where Justin sang the male part, and she sang the womans.

Justin: Summer loving, havin' a blast.
Isabelle: Summer loving happen so fast.
Justin: Met a girl crazy for me.
Isabelle: Met a boy cute as can be.
Both: Summer days just a driftin away, oh oh those summer nights.
Rest of the guys: wella wella wella, uh-hu, tell me more tell me more, Did ya get very far?
Girl back up: Tell me more tell me more, like does he have a car?
Justin: She swam by me, she got a cramp.
Isabelle: He went by me, got me so damp.
Justin: I saved her life, she nearly drowned.
Isabelle: He showed off splashing around.Guys: Summer sun, something begun.

The music drifted to her own solo. "But now there's nowhere to hide, you pushed my love aside. I'm out of my headm hopelessly devoted to you. Hopelessly devoted to you" The music once again changed, and they all sang the last chord together. "Summer dreams ripped at the seams, but oh those summer nights" Isabelle smiled as they finished the last chords. The people behind the glass pane,working on the equipment gave them the thumbs up. Justin walked over to Isabelle,and hugged her.

"That was the coolest thing.." He said as a grin crossed on his lips. She couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh, must get a real kick out of singing the part of a hormonal teenager that brags to his macho friends about how he 'got down'. Oh I'm sorrying, did I discribe you?" Isabelle said with a joking smile. She heard a few chuckled,and Joey came up behind her,and slung an arm around her shoulder.

"See, Justin. This is the kinda girl I like..fiesty" he said, lingery on the word 'fiesty'.

Isabelle moved onto a stool that was placed near her microphone station, pushing Joeys arm off gently. "Oh Joey, you suprise me! To think I thought Justin would be the hormonal one!" Isabelle said in a melodramatic voice.

* * * * *