"That is just pathetic" Isabelle said, as she looked at Justin and Joeys puppy eyes. "No, I'm not going clubbing. I rather be trampled on by bulls, then go to a club with you guys, I'm not stupid, the women go nuts" JC started to laugh,and Lance nudged him. Justin looked down at Chris who was now clinging onto Isabelle's leg. Chris started to grin, as he hatched a plan. He started to tickled up her leg,she squirmed,and swatted at his hands. Before she had the chance to think Chris had her down on the floor. He started to tickle her, She lashed around under him,and tried to push him off,but Justin grabbed her arms. "I'm never singing *giggle* a song with you guys *giggle* ever again. But if you let me go, I'll go clubbing *giggle." Isabelle spit out between giggles. JC walked over to them,and pryed Isabelle loose,and held her by her waist. "You've got to learn never, that these guys have too many thoughts about women in their head, that when they finally see them, manners just fly right out." He said, smiling at her, his ocean blue eyes gazing into hers. Isabelle couldn't help but return the smile, and gaze. She leaned up on her toes,and kissed his cheek before slipping from his grasp,and walked towards the door. "I'll meet you guys at Club Wai Ki Ki, at 11:00pm." She said,and walked out of the studio.


Justin sat on the couch,spacing out into thoughts of Isabelle. 'She looks so cute when she giggles,and when her hair falls in her eyes I just want to brush it away, and she fits just right in my arms, like she's meant to be there' he thought to himself. Lance he started to wave his arms infront of Justin's face,depretly trying to get his attention. After a bit of shaking Justin finally snapped out of it. "What do you want, scoops?" He asked. "It's 10:00 don't you think you should start getting ready, you always take forever" Justin nodded,and walked to his room, while the rest of the guys met up in the livingroom. Chris looked at the guys joined around him. "Damn, he just met her, and he's falling head over heels. I just hate to see him crash and burn" "Hmm.." They all said at once, horns and tails practically growing, as the thoughts formed in their wicked little heads.


Isabelle sat at her vanity, applying her make up. She had thrown on a pair of plastic like dark blue leather pants, and a sheer baby blue tee, with faux feather/fur around the collar, silver butterflies scattered at the bottom of the shirt. She had the perfect pair of shoes to match, dark silver leather platforms,with an embroided butterfly by the toes. She smiled at her reflection, she had made her cheeks a natural rose color, and her eye lids were grazed with glitter, the last touch was a pink lipstick with shiny gloss over it. Isabelle finally looked over at the clock and realize she used uny more time she was going to be late. She grabbed her keys and headed out the door.

She parked her car,and walked to the front of the club, where she found the five guys. They all greated her with a hug. Suddenly her cell phone started to ring, She jumped, she still wasn't used to the idea of people calling her at all times of day. "Home of the whopper, whats your beef?" She asked into the phone. She nodded a few times, giving a few noises that resembled 'yeah' and hung up. "Well..that was Johnny.." She said,hidding a wicked grin. They looked at her,expecting an answer. "Well, he imformed me, that he heard the 'Grease Melody', and that I'm going to tour with you guys, when it starts in August" she finished nonchalantly. They all looked at her, and Chris started jumping up and down, she started to giggle,and grabbed his hand, dragging him in the club. He eyes went wide,and she started jumping up and down with Chris. "WooHoo..this place is slamming" Isabelle shouted, trying to be heard by the guys. Justin came up behind her, and latched his arms around her waist. "Care to dace" He asked, in a soft whisper in her ear. She shrugged,and he pulled her on to the dance floor, the song was loud and fast. For that she was thankful. A crowd had already formed around, when was the last time they had the chance to see, the hottest female and male in the music business dance together. They both had the attitudes that liked to soak up the attention, so they kept on dancing, their bodies bumping, grinding and gyrating in ever position that could be used to dance in. Justin's hand was on the small of her back, and her arms snaked around his neck, one of his legs seperating both of hers,as she swayed,and bounced with the beat of the music,taking it in. (Just to describe why a crowd had formed to watch them) The song ended after awhile, and she and Justin, made their way to a table, where they found the 4 guys staring at them in disbelief. Isabelle was giggling manically by now, too caught up in her high for life.


She had driven home at around 3:00 am. She and Justin had continued dancing throughout the night, once in a while drawing another crowd. She laughed softly, remembering the man that came up to her,saying all her dancing needed was rain, to look like the 'Livin la vida loca' video. Isabelle layed down on her bed, she was too mentally and physically exhausted to change, and she had to bed up at 7:00 am. Her thoughts raged on, and on. 'Am I falling for Justin? No, I can't be. I just met him, although I'm going to spending a lot of time with all of the guys on tour. Nope, I'm not going to let this happen. Pearlman had already outlinned what my duties were, and there was no dating in there. He had never really specified no dating.." A tired grin formed on her lips, before her body gave out under her pressure to stay awake, and her eyelids fell closed.




"Morning Sunshine" She heard a familiar voice say. "Justin, if you ever call me sunshine this early in the morning, when I haven't had my orange juice, again I will totally kill you. I have many knifes in my kitchen yah know" She grumbled into the phone. "Well aren't you little miss congeniality. Anyway, why aren't you here? We were suppose to begin taping the video at 7:30am, it's 8:30am!" "Grr..I'm coming, just make sure Johnny gets some orange juice" she said and hung up the phone. She made her way out of the house,still wearing her clothes from last night.

"Woah, I never thought I'd see anyone worse then Justin in the morning, let alone a woman." She heard Joey say. She shrugged, and made her way inside, a woman came rushing up to her,and handed her a glass of OJ. Isabelle sat down, while the director started lecturing her on punctuality. She shrugged him off, and drank the orange juice, and waited for it to kick in. Finally she jumped out of her seat,and made her way to costume. She smiled seeing the costume, she was going to be dressed like Sandy. They were there to shoot the video for 'Grease Melody'. She quickly changed into the outfit, which consisted of a pale yellow poodle skirt, a short-sleeved white blouse, and a sweater drapped over her shoulders, that matched the color of her skirt. She walked out of the changing room, and people attacked her with make up,and hair ustensil's until her face looked natural, and her hair with in a a white head band,and curled out at the ends. All eyes turned on the five men walking towards her. Isabelle tried her hardest, but she couldn't help but laugh. All of them were dressed like the 'T-birds'. "Chris, since when did one of the T-Bird's have dreds?" She asked through laughter. Chris rolled his eyes,and Justin walked closer to her,and slung an arm over her shoulder. "Yo Sandy" he said with his best 'Danny Zucco' voice. "Oh joy, my knight in shinning leather." She joked, she watched Justin grin. 'Why does he have to when he does that?..hmm..if he wants to play like that, so can I' she told herself,as she flashed her melting smile. 'Aww..she gotta stop smiling like that...I just wanna kiss her' Justin thought to himself. The group of guys watched their best friend,and a their new friend staring at eachother. Lance tried clearing his throat, but they just wouldn't snap out of it. As though planned Louis Pearlman walked into the studio, he watched Isabelle and Justin for a moment, before tapping both. Their heads snapped over to Pearlman. He hid his grin,and motioned towards the set. "Time to get to work" He said. Both nodded and they all worked onto the set. Someone handed her,a few books as props,and she waited for the music to start. Chris,Joey,Lance,and JC were hoovering around her in a circle,and just was in the back watching. Their mouthed along to the first 'BeeGee's' song,and Justin stepped through the guys,and stood infront of her. She had a shocked expression across her face,and threw the books down at Justin's feet. Isabelle then ran over to a group of girls in pink jackets with the words "Pink Ladies" printed on the back. Justin and the guys moved over to the bleachers,and they started to lip synce the words, and then came her solo part. She and Justin started walking towards eachother, while she mouthed along. When they finally got to eachother, they held hands, and they all mouthed the last phrase of the song. Everyone around the set clapped. "Thats a wrap" Johnny shouted. Someone started to 'Your the one that I want. Justin and Isabelle just couldn't take the urge,and he started to sing,as he pretended to walk foward,trapping Isabelle in a corner by the bleachers. "I've got chills, their multiplying,and I'm losing control, cause the power your supplying, it's electrifying." Justin sang, grinning playfully. "Betta shape up, because I need a man, and my heart is set on you.Betta shape up, betta honostey, to my heart I must be true" Isabelle sang, returning the grin and stepping into him, her finger in the middle of his chest,as she started to walk into him,backing him away. "Double the luck, double the luck" the four guys sang, laughing. "You the one that I want, ooh,ooh, ooh, tell me the one that I want, ooh,ooh,ohh. The one I need, yes in deed." Justin and Isabelle sang together,before her arms moved around his neck,and his around her waist, their lips meeting in a soft kiss. As they pulled away they found Louis Pearlman waiting about a foot away,tapping his shoe on the floor impatiently. "Don't you guys ever come up for air?" He asked with a smile. Isabelle breathed a sigh of relief. "I..I um, gotta get out of this dress" she said absently,and ran off to change.

* * * * *