"No, No, NO! I'm not going on that roller coaster! No way, no how. Nope." Isabelle whined, as Joey,and Lance her arms. They were at the nearest theme park,ready to drag Isabelle on a roller coaster, which her greatest fear was of. Justin soon came up the them,shooting daggers at Joey and Lance with his eyes. "Leave her alone, she doesn't have to go if she doesn't want to" He said sternly. She ran over into his arms, but he picked her up craddle style. "You are so gullable, Isabelle. Now your going to face your fear by getting on the roller coaster, with or without your concent" Justin said matter of factly. "COMA BOY! Your fatherly, make him stop!" Isabelle said to JC. JC smirked,and crossed his arms over his muscular chest. "For calling me fatherly, I'm not stopping him" "Grrr...Fine. I'll go on, now let me down" "Do you think I'm that stupid Issie? You'll just run" Justin replied. Justin sat her down in the roller coaster seat,and fixed the belts on her,and the rest that moved down over her upper body. He then sat in the seat next to her,and did the same for himself. "I should have thrown the books on your feet when I had the chance" Isabelle muttered under her breath. Justin grinned,and held onto her hand gently. Isabelle moved her hand away,and smacked him on the back of the head, then took his hand again. "Okay, now I feel better" "Oh great, an abusive girlfriend" Justin teased. Isabelle smiled innocently. "That was for calling me Issie, never ever call me Issie, only Belle." The ride started and Isabelle started to scream at the top of her lungs. Justin could only laugh at her, since he did love the roller coasters. The ride finished with Isabelle in tears,and as soon as it was over,she ran from Justin as fast as possible. He eventually caught up with her,and tackled her down into the grass. Isabelle looked up into his sparkling blue eyes, his head lowered, their lips only centimeters apart.. "Look! It's Isabelle Capri,and Justin Timberlake!" One girl screamed,and with that a flock of teenage boys and girls swarmed around them. They quickly pulled away,and stood. False, happy smiles spread across theirs lips, as they signed countless autographs. Justin secretly poked her in the side,causing her to jump in suprise. She continued talk to a few fans,and sign things, when he did it again. "Justin, you know your my best friend,and all..but if you poke me one more time, you won't have that finger." Isabelle said in a perky, faux voice. Justin grinned childishly. Then looked to some girl fans. "Do you believe this job, I have to go on tour with this woman, and she's so not little miss sunshine in the morning." He said nonchalantly. "Thats alright, because you can't wake him up without a box of apple jacks in your hands" Isabelle replied. "But it doesn't taste like apples" she mimicks. Justin smiled,already hatching a plan for when the tour started.

A few days before the tour started Isabelle and the members of 'N sync were in Mtv studio's,waiting to be introduced. She watched the director count down,and plastered a smile on her lips,as she waited for the camera to turn towards the group of them. "Carson Daly here with, guess who. 'N sync, and Isabelle Capri." Caron read off the cue cards. "Hey Carson, it's good to be here" She said into the mic that she held in her hand. "Hmm..heartbreaker" Carson said,reading the word printed on her baby blue half shirt. "That brings me to the question, are any of you not single?" Carson finished. Justin smiled, Isabelle almost winced, Johnny had warned them not to say it. "Infact, I would like to announce that yes, I am taken. By who you may ask? The lovely lady on my right" Justin said,smiling to Isabelle who stood next to him,lightly holding onto her hand. Isabelle smiled,and nodded to the gawking Carson. "Um, Carson. I hope a fly doesn't go down your throat, your mouth is hanging open" Chris said,with an innocent smile. Carson glared,and introduced the premiere of 'Grease Melody'.



"Yah, Isabelle here, whats your beef?" She said into her cell phone. She nodded her head a few times, even though the person on the line couldn't hear it. Suddenly she pulled the phone away from her ear and shouted into it. "Johnny, you say one more thing, and I'm switching record companies." The phone went silent,and she put it back to her ear. "And Johnny, just remember, I have power of you, not you over me" She said sweetly,and pressed 'end'. She looked over at the guys,then caught Justin's gaze. "He's going to kill you when he see's you, I would advise you don't go near him without me" Isabelle grins after her words,then continues to finish. "He knows that if he says one more thing about today, that I will switch record companies. Blackmail is so sweet" She finished saying,and coped her best evil grin. Justin smiled and squeezed her hand.

"Isa, Isa..wake up" Justin said softly,as he shook Isabelle. It was only 4:00 am, and they were ready to leave in the tourbuses, Isabelle had fallen back asleep leaning against one. Justin couldn't help but laugh. He lifted her up into his arms,and climbed onto the bus. He then layed her out on her bunk,and kisses her forehead, before walking back off the bus. He had wondered why her family wasn't there to greet her with a farewell before they left. She had told him about her family before, but never in real detail. He shrugged,and walked over to his mother Lynn,and little brother Jonathan. He had always hated to say goodbye, but he loved going on tour. He hugged his mother,and brother tightly. "I'll call you everyday, and I expect to see you at the Orlando concert!" He said,and gave a heartwarming smile before walking onto the bus.

"How come your family wasn't there when we left?" she heard Justin ask her. A frown fell in place on her lips,as she cuddled deeper into Justins arm. "My whole family is in Italy" She said answered in ease. She could practically see Joey's ears perk. "Why are they in italy?" he asked. "Because I was born in italy" All eyes turned to her, she let a sigh pass her lips. "My parents dissapproved of my singing carrear,and well..since I came to America I haven't talked with them once. They wanted me to become something important, like a doctor. But I knew what I wanted to be, I wanted to perform so bad I would sneek out and sing at restaurants, until an agent found me. I tried talking to them about it, but they forbid me. So, I left. I still talk to my sister though,and she listens to my record, even though she doesn't understand english" Isabelle said,looking at the floor of the bus.




"Ciao" Isabelle said into her phone. "Genevieve!" She shouted into the phone,and jumped away from Justin,her eyes lit up with joy. She continued with the conversation in italian,the guys furrowing their eyebrows because they couldn't understand. "Si, Justin mi amore" she said with a giggle. Justin looked at her,she smiled,then went back to talking. "Si, JC no amore. Si!!" "Arevaderchi" She said and hung up. She started to laugh at the expressions on their faces. Justin pulled her back over to him. "That was my sister" "I heard my name in there" JC said. "Me too" Justin chimmed in. "Yes, I said that Justin was mine,and that JC wasn't" Isabelle replied. "Why would she want to know about me?" JC asked. "Because she thinks your cute" Isabelle said,and walked out of the bus.


Isabelle smiled,as she watched the guys perform. They always put so much engery into their performance, no matter how they felt. It was almost moving, they were what she wanted to be. She didn't fully achive her wanted image as of yet. She smiled,as she heard the begining chords of 'Grease Melody' and bounced onto the stage in her 'Sandy' get up. "Lets hear it for 'N sync she screamed into her microphone,and heard the crowd roar. The music suddenly screeched to a hault,and 'Heat it up' (Author's note: Let's just pretend 'N sync sings 'Heat it up') came blasting onto the speakers. She ripped off her get up, revealing her jet black mini skirt, and silver mid-drift baring silver tube top. 'N sync started to sing,as she danced around with them. "Late at night, I fantasize girl, that you and I, well you were rocking my world. I can't deny, the way I'm feeling, I think about you, and get it again. Girl whenever I'm with you, my fantasy's come true, just tell me what you want to do" The 5 men on the stage sang. "Just hold me close, don't let me go, just show how 'N sync goes, I wanna know how it would be with 'N sync, You gotta know, I'm do for you, Just lead the way to ectasy" She sang over the screams. (Sorry guys, just bare with the song. The words fit the moment..sorta). A gun shot was barely heard through the music,and screams, and it was too late for Isabelle to move. She fell down to the stage,blood pouring from her.

The 5 men stared down at her pale body laying in the white sheets of the hospital bed. She hadn't woken up, but she kept moaning something, they couldn't understand it. "Domine deus, spero per gratiam tuam remissionem omnium peccatorum, et post hanc, vitam aeternam felictatem me esse consecuturum quia tu promisissti, qui infinte potens, fidelis, benignum, et misericors. In hac spe vivere et mori statuo." She moaned. Justin rummaged through her bag of things that the nurse had given him,and found her cell phone. He smiled to himself,and run around the hospital until he found a translator. He pressed *69,and held the phone out to the middle aged woman. "Tell the person that answers that Isabelle has been shot,and is staying at Nebraska General Hospital in room 213". He stated,and heard the woman talk in a language he couldn't understand. He then dragged the woman into the hospital room, he couldn't have cared less about how rude he was. "What is she saying?" He asked frantically. The woman listen for a while then replied. "O my god, relying on your infinite goodness and promises, I hope to obtain pardon of my sins,the help of your grace,and life everlasting through the merits of Jesus Christ my lord and redeemer. Which is the Act of Hope" The woman said,and walked out of the hospital room. Justin rushed back over to Isabelle's side,and took her hand gently. The doctors weren't sure when she would wake up, or if she would turn out alright.

Justin stayed awake through the night, never leaving Isabelle's side. He would talk to her like the nurse had told him, she said talking often helps comatose patients. His eyelids were so heavy with tiredness, he almost didn't see the two figures that entered the room. He quickly stood up,rubbing the tiredness from his eyes. One of the two women was somewhere in her fourty's with dark blonde hair,and hazel eyes. The other looked no older then Isabelle, with brown hair,and sparkling emreld green eyes. "Mrs. Capri?" Justin asked polietly. The woman nodded, and he slowly let go of Isabelle's hand,stepping out of the way. He extended his hand to Mrs. Capri. "I'm Justin, Isabelle's boyfriend" he said softly. She shook his hand lightly,and turned over to Isabelle. Isabelle's mother walked over to the side of her hospital bed,and lightly took her hand,and whispered the prayer in Latin that Isabelle had been saying through out the night. Her hand moved slightly,and soon her eyelids were opening. The younger girl, who Justin had figured was Genevieve, stayed close to her mother,looking down at Isabelle. Isabelle stared up at the two figured for a while,before speaking. "Where's Justin?" She asked in a cool voice. Justin patted her other hand,and she turned her head towards him,her frown turning upside down into a smile (pun intended). She turned her head to look back at her mother and sister. "Who called Elanore?" she said bitterly to her mother. Her mother frowned,and remained silent. "I..I called her Issie" Justin said softly. She groaned,and covered her face with a pillow. Justin bit his lip,and uncovered her face. "I thought she should know.." he said quietly. "Isabelle I.." Her mother started, but was cut off. "Mom, please leave" Her mother sighed heavily,and left the room. Genevieve was left in the corner,looking at her feet,she waved and hurried out after her mother. Isabelle looked up at Justin for a moment. "What happened?" She asked after a while. "When you were on stage, a crazed fan..sorta shot you" Isabelle nodded,and closed her eyes,taking Justin's hand gently. Silently 4 men walked into the room,and walked over to Justin. "There's 2 women outside the room,did she wake up yet?" Lance whispered to Justin. Isabelle started to giggle,and the 4 men quickly looked over to her. Her eyes opened once again. "I'm awake Lance,and those two women are my mother and sister." Isabelle said softly. Before anyone could answer, two large built police officers walked into the room. "Ms. Capri?" The taller one asked. "Thats me" Isabelle said polietly. "Can we please talk with you in private" the shorter one asked. "No, they stay. Their my friends, and I don't keep any secrets" The officers nodded,and stepped closer. "Are you aware your Green Card expires in one week?" The taller one asked. Isabelle growled lowly. "Please leave" She said,as she sat up,pulling her IV out of her hand. The officers shrugged and walked out. The 5 men looked at her in shock. Isabelle slid out of the hospital bed,putting her hand on her bandaged side were her gun wound was. She looked down at her pajama's furrowing her eyebrows,wondering how they got on,but continued on her way to the nurses station. "I want to sign myself out" She said to a frilly haired blond. The nurse handed her papers,and she signed them and turned around to see Justin standing infront of her. "What did those officers mean?" he asked solemnly. "They meant if I don't get married to an american citizen in one week, I get shipped back to Italy" She said,starting to walk back to her room,to collect her shoes.

* * * * *