"No, Justin. I am not going to ruin your life. I love you, but I know the only reason why your doing it is so I can stay in america" Isabelle said firmly, as she looked down at Justin who was done on one knee, holding out a red velvet box, with a large diamond ring in it.

"Please Isabelle, I love you with all my heart, I don't know how I can spend one day without you" Justin begged,pleading with his ocean blue eyes. Isabelle gently pulled him back up into a standing position,looking up at the dark starry night, trying to get an answer. A soft sigh escapes her.

"Justin, I'll make a deal with you. I will marry you..but not now. I am going to have to go back to italy. We'll wait until you find me, then we know our love is true,and can last" Isabelle said softly. A smile slowly crept onto Justin's lips, as he slipped the ring onto her finger. "I promise I'll find you, and bring you home" He said before kissing her softly,his arms cupping the small of her back,pulling her towards him. After they broke apart, they kept their arms around eachother, staring into eachother's eyes under the moonlight on the beach.

They walked back into the hotel room,hand in hand. JC looked up at them from his seat on the floor with the other guys playing cards. His eyes adjusted to their entwined hands,looking at the ring on Isabelle's finger. She smiled noticing his stare,and hopped onto one of the beds. She layed on her stomach,hanging her head off the foot of the bed,looking down at JC's cards. He looked at her hand, and cleared his throat. "Curosity is killing you isn't it?" Isabelle asked, giggling at the new 4 sets of eyes on her. She looked back up at Justin, a frown creeping onto her lips. She stood up,and started picking up her clothes that ended up thrown around the room, and started packing them in her bags. Justin came up behind her,wrapping his arms around her waist.

"You have three more days to pack, don't start now" Justin asked. Isabelle stiffened,and slowly turned to him, her face tear stricken, her arms snaked tightly around his neck.

"I don't want to go Justin, I just don't" She cried softly. Justin started to stroke her hair soothingly.

"You don't have to go Isa.."

"Yes I do, I'm not ruining your life, we're only 18. We're too young to be married. I'm not taking your freedom away from you." She replied, trying her best not to cry anymore. Soon the four other guys were standing up,and squishing Justin and Isabelle in a group hug.

One week later, they were all at the airport. Tears were quickly streaming down her cheeks,as Justin clung to her tightly, refusing to let her go.

"Isabelle, don't have to leave me.." He pleaded as he finally let the tears fall. She reached up,and wiped the tears gently.

"Flight 900 to Naples, Italy is boarding now" A women said over the PA. Justin slowly let her rip from his grasp. Isabelle reached up, and kissed his lips, secretly slidding her engagment ring in his back pocket. She forced a smile,and hugged Joey, Chris, Lance and JC, before picking up her duffel bag, and walking towards her gate.

"I love you Justin" She shouted out.

"I love you too Isabelle" He replied, as she stepped up to the flight attendent who took her ticket.


Justin sighed, as he climbed onto the tour bus. The guys decided to leave him alone, they were also missing Isabelle, she was almost like all their sisters. She had grown on them, and they wanted her to be there. It just wasn't worth it without her. Justin went to sit down on one of the couches, when he felt something poke him, in his back pocket. He quickly stood up,and fished around in his pocket, until he found what had been bothering him. He looked at it, tears falling once again from his puffy, red eyes. He held the engagment ring between his thumb and index finger, as he sat back down on the couch. Soon he was curled up, with his head nuzzled inbetween the arm of the couch,and the back. He held the ring so tight, until he made an imprint on his palm.

"Why, God, Why?" He whispered, before his weak body gave up, and he fell into slumber.


Isabelle looked out the small plane window, running her finger tips along it, longingly watching the land disappear,and the ocean appear. She sighed, holding in the tears, knowing she did what was best. She opened her duffel bag, and pulled out her headphones,and slipped them on. She couldn't remember what tape was in there, so she mindlessly pressed 'play'. The saddened tones soon filled her ears, and this time, she carefully listened to the words.

(Britney Talks)
Time may take us apart, but I will still love you. I promise.

And when the stars, stars are falling.
I'll keep calling.

I promise that you'll be my one my only everything.
I'll never be untrue

And I promise back that for your love I will do anything.

I will give you the stars

I will buy you the moon

Even through the longest of our nights.

Even through the darkest days our

Love will find away


And when the stars are falling, I'll keep calling
I will still love you
And when your dreams are fading, I'll be waiting
I will still love you

(Taken from Britney Spears song "I will still love you")

Tears trickled down her cheeks, as she stopped the tape. Why was this happening to her? Why couldn't she ever be happy? Nobody knew the answers, and nobody ever would. She lifted her legs up, and positioned herself so they were under her. She put her head against the window pane, soon dozing off.

The plane landed a few hours later. Isabelle gathered her things, and walked off the plane. She looked around the familiar airport, taking in the people. She shifted her duffel bag on her shoulder, and walked out of the airport, not knowing where to go. All she knew was that she was going to Italy, and nothing else. She was too busy feeling her heartbreak bit by bit, to ever consider that she was going to need a place to stay. She started walking to the small town that she had grown up with. It wasn't that far, only a mile or two. She had never really walked that far, but knew she could do it. And she did. When she arrived, she slipped on her sunglasses, trying not to get noticed. She knew her music was released first in Europe, and thats how it became popular. She bought a newspaper, and looked in the real estate section. As she was reading, she found herself infront of her favorite cafe. A smile almost came to her lips, as she remembered the times she spent there, with her friends, and past boyfriends. But, her thoughts soon filtered back to Justin. While all of her thoughts were processing, she sat at a table out front, watching the pedestrians pass. A male waiter, in his late teen years came to take her order. She tilted her sunglasses down for a moment, as he began to ask her what she wanted.

"Oh my..y-your Isabelle Capri" he said in shock. She put on her happy face, and nodded. The conversation went on, and he left, and came back with her coffee. She started to drink it, when she heard something ringing.




"Alright, whoever is on the other end of the line, you better have a good reason, because I'm not in a good mood" She said quickly. She heard the familiar laugh.

"Snappy, aren't we, Isa" Justin said.

"Justin!!" She shouted happily into the phone, causing stares from the people at the surrounding tables. She heard him laughing, and started to calm down, a frown forming on her lips.

"Justin..we're suppose to let nature take it's course" She said quietly.

"Isabelle, I found the ring. I understand your reasoning but I love you, I need to be with you. I'm coming to find you, my flight is in three hours"

" can't do this. I refuse to do this. You won't find me" She said, before turning her cell phone off. She sighed, and left money on the table. She had 12 hours to change her appearence drastically (3 hours until flight, and 9 hour flight). She jumped up, and walked around the block, to a small convient store. She looked around, and found what she wanted, a box of raven red hair color, and a pair of scissors. She paid for her things, and took a deep breath, before walking to her sisters house. Genevieve came to the door, and opened it, and stood there gawking.

"Genevieve, I need your help, I need to use your bathroom" Isabelle said, holding up the box of hair color. Genevieve hugged her, and let her in. Isabelle smiled, and walked into the bathroom, Genevieve stood in the doorway, looking at her.

"How come your back?" She asked.

"I got deported, Justin wanted me to marry him, but I refused. I said I wasnt going to ruin his life. So now he's coming to find me, and I have to color and cut my hair, and find a new style of clothing" Isabelle answered quickly, as she removed her top shirt, leaving on her white tank top. She looked around the bathroom, and Genevieve laughed, and handed her a towel. Isabelle laughed with Genevieve, and put the towel around her shoulders, as she turned on the faucet. Genevieve walked back into the livingroom, and flipped around in a few magazines, until she came to a picture of Isabelle. She sighed, Isabelle looked so happy. She had a look in her eyes, that Genevieve had never seen before. Isabelle was truly happy with Justin, and singing, in America. Genevieve couldn't figure out why Isabelle was hiding, but she had to find out.

* * * * *