Isabelle emerged from the bathroom faking a smile. Her new red hair was cut in a bob that ended at her ear lobes. Her hair was in it's natural waves, and she had too long bangs that hide her eyes. " does not fit you.." Genevieve said softly. Isabelle laughed, and walked into her sisters bedroom, and dug around in her closet. She came back out of Genevieve's bedroom wearing a loose fitting black pleaded skirt, and a beige tank top, and a matching cardigan tied around her waist. A delicate silver link chain was around her neck. "Well, go ahead. Wear my clothes and jewelry" Genevieve said laughing. Isabelle hugged her sister, and ran out the door. She started off towards her friends house. When she reached her wanted destination, she knocked on the door loudly, until he came to the door. "Tom-Tom!" She shouted. He looked at her, blinking. "Issie?" He asked. "Duh!" "Oh my god, I heard you singing on the radio. And then I heard that you left america, but I didn't know why" he said. "I was deported, green card ran out" He ran at her, hugging her tightly. "What have you done to yourself?" He asked. "Well..see, thats the problem. I was going out with this guy named Justin. And he's coming here to find me. So I had to change my appearence" She answered. Thomas grabbed his keys, and started to walk, practically dragging her with him.


Justin grabbed his duffel bag from the luggage carosel and looked around. He finally was in Italy. He had his mind set, and he wasn't leaving without Isabelle. She wasn't going to distance herself. He just wouldn't let her. He hailed a cab, and told him where he was going. Genevieve's sisters apartment. Thats where she would be, wouldn't she? He looked around as the car passed a about 30 blocks. Justin payed the drive, and hopped out. He looked down the block, and watched a young girl with short red hair walking. He hopped up the stairs and knocked on the door. Soon Genevieve was at the door. "Where is she?" She shouted. Genevieve sighed. "She just left. I can't tell you anything else" He nodded,and starting jogging. He rounded a corner, and found a cafe. He sat down at a table, trying to hatch a plan. He saw a group of 6 teenagers, half male, and half female. There she was again, the girl with the red hair. He caught her sneaking a glance at him. She seemed familiar, was she Isabelle?


"help me, the blonde guy at the table near the right, is Justin. I don't know what to do" Isabelle whispered to Tom. Tom grinned, and Isabelle looked at his slightly glazed eyes, then at the different empty beer bottles infront of him. 'Uh-oh' she thought. Soon, Tom had her trapped in her chair, and was kissing her. She pushed him away from her in disgust, and stood up, and threw a glass of water at his face. "I never said to kiss me!" She said a bit too loud. She waved goodbye to the rest of her friends, and started to walk away, not sure of where to go.


Justin sat at his table, still watching the red head suspiciously. He blinked as he saw and heard her shout. It took a few minutes for it to register. That was Isabelle's voice, he told himself. He stood up, and started to run after Isabelle's retreating form. She started to get lost in the crowd, but he kept on running. Isabelle turned around for a moment, to see him. He saw something in her eyes he had never seen before. Was it fear? Isabelle started to run, he didn't follow. Why was she scared of him? He sat down on the curb, trying to put his thoughts together. He couldn't understand what she was afraid of. It was as though she didn't want to be with him. But he knew she did love him, he could see it in her eyes, the way she looked at him. Her eyes always lit up with joy, she would smile at him. He loved her smile. He loved everything about her, the way she laughed. How she put all of her into it, and tilted her head back. Or when she didn't understand, she tilted her head to the side, and gave a questioning look. And how she pouted, and he always let her have her way. He wanted to be with her, now and forever. There was something about her, that lit a fire in him, that had never been lit before. She made him feel different but he didnt know how. His whole life revolved around her, and thats the way he wanted it. He stood up, and pulled off his armani suit jacket, and drapped it over his shoulder, as he started walking, he knew just where to find her. Genevieve's apartment.


Isabelle sat out on her sisters porch, her sweater drapped over her shoulders. Her head was tilted down, she stared at her shoes, willing the tears not to fall. She had seen Justin, and she knew he saw her. She was scared, no she was terrified. She knew she loved Justin will all her heart, she even knew why. He made her feel happy, something she didn't feel when she was younger. She was always the outcast, only confiding in her music. She hardly ever trusted people, the only people she did trust were her sister, and the members of 'Nsnync. She didn't know why, maybe Lance because his ability to give advice in any situation, and Joey because of his laid back attitude towards life, and his constant flirting. Chris, well Chris was a different story. He was the crazy one of the group, he was always up for a good laugh. You hardly ever saw him shouting or with a frown. JC, he was the father figure of the group. He wanted everything to be perfect, and he tried his very best to acheive that. Justin..she sighed. He world was Justin. Her thoughts never contained anything else but him. She had never believed in love before him. Her childhood was something she never discussed, but she knew it was the reason for her problems, and he had to know sooner or later. She craned her neck up, and sighed as she looked across the street at the bunch of preteens gathered on a porch. Something from the left caught her eye, platium curls. She looked down at her black satin mary janes, then back up, as she heard his footsteps getting closer.


"You really don't want to see me do you..cause for you to do something that horrible to your hair.." Justin said softly. Isabelle laughed softly, inspite of the moment. Justin smiled, he loved her laugh. Isabelle stood up, and wrapped her arms around him tightly. Justin held her close, stroking the hair back. "Why are you scared of me Isabelle?" He whispered. She closed her eyes, resting her head in the nook of his neck. "I'm not scared of you Justin, I'm scared of love." She answered. Justin lifted her up, and sat down on one of the porch steps, setting Isabelle on his lap. "Why, just answer me that question, and hopefully I'll understand." He said. She sighed heavily before starting her long story. "Because, I've never seen a man and woman love eachother. My parents for example used to fight almost everyday. Don't get me wrong, he never once layed a finger on my mother. But the fights were vicious sometimes, and I just wished that they would magically fall in love again and stop fighting. In school I was an outcast, I hardly talked to anyone, I don't know why either. I was scared..of people. I drowned myself into music, which seemed to fill a void that I never felt I had. I always felt empty. I watched my old friends pair off into couples, and wished I had someone to love. Deep down I knew I had the chance, but I was scared, scared my love for someone would turn out like my parents" Justin looked at her, only now realizing she wasn't the brave girl she forced herself to be. She was so innocent, and naive. She acted that way, to never let people get into her. Never let them get into her heart. A smile formed on his lips. He had gotten into her heart, but she didn't know what to do with his love. "Isabelle, I promise you with all my heart and soul that we will never end up like your parents. You have to trust me Isa". "I trust you, Justin" She whispered in his ear. He stood up, setting her where he sat. He knelt down on one knee, removing the engagment ring that was once on Isabelle's finger, from his pocket. "Show me you trust me. Marry me Isabelle Ann Capri" He said, holding out the ring. She looked at him, her eyes lighting up with happyness. She took a deep breath, holding it in for a while. "Yes, Justin Randall Timberlake. I will marry you" She answered. He stood up, slipping the ring onto her finger, and pulled her into a breath taking kiss, neither had felt, until they met eachother.


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