"ASHLEY!!!!! Get your butt in here right now!!!!" my roommate, Kim yelled through the intire house. I laughed as I watched Ash run across the living room screaming, "WHAT!". I put down my book and walked upstairs, laughing.

Well, I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Dana. The youngest out of all the roommates that live here, I'm 18 . I may be the youngest, but I'm probably the most mature too! Along with me is my best friends, Kim, who's 24. Ashley, who's 21. Marianne, 20. And last but not least Kerri, who's 22. Even though were all different ages, we get along great.

"Have you seen my yellow skirt?" Kim yelled at me as I walked into the room.

"You know...the one with all the hippy flowers on it?" She sighed and sunk down the the floor and continued her search.

"Nope, sorry. I haven't." I laughed and went into my room. I turned on the stereo and listen to the radio for a while. 'Think I should make a request? Why not..not many people are listening now I bet.' I leaned over and turned down the radio and grabbed the phone. I dialed the # and waited awhile before someone picked up screaming in my ear

"Hello! 97.3 KWNZ who am I speaking to?!" The man asked in a hurry.

"Um..Dana" I said slowly.

"Well, Dana...Congratulations! Your our 9th caller!!" He yelled and then played some music in my ear

"Um...thanx?" I laughed. 'I won something?' I thought

"Come on! You can do better than that!!"

"What'd I win again?" I asked, hoping he didn't realize I called to request a song.

"Front row NSYNC tickets, backstage passes...and a special surprise from the guys!! Now! Can you be excited?!" He laughed

"!! No way!! YEEEEESSSSSSS" I yelled jumping off my bed

"That's more like it! All right now hang on the line for more details!!" He said and put me on hold.

"AHHHHH OMG!! Guys!! Come in here!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was so excited.

"What? What wrong? What happened?!" All my roommate came in in a panic

"I just won, front row tickets to NSYNC..and BSP!!!" They all screamed and huddled around the phone. The DJ came back on and filled us in on all the details of what would be happening.

"Ok...We have here 5 front row tickest and backstage passes. You won the grand prize. You will fly down to Orlando, for 4 days, you will stay in the Disney Magic Hotel. A limo will pick you up on the day of August 15 to take you to the concert. You will go backstage and meet the guys. After that, you will take your seat and enjoy the show! Have any questions?" The DJ finished

"Um..yeah. You said something about a surprise. Where does that all fit in?" I asked

"Oh yeah!'ll see. Oh yeah..a limo will pick you up at your house to take you to the airport. Oh, and you are 18 right? And all your friends?"

"Yes, were all 18 and over." With that I gave him my address and all the other information that he would need. I hung up the phone as if I was numb. None of this could really be happening! I turned around and looked at my friends, staring wide eyes at me.

"Oh my God!! Dana! How'd you win!!?" Marianne said jumping up giving me a hug.

"It's funny actually...I called to request a song. I didn't know there was a contest going on. I caller #9 and won!" I shrieked. They all got up and gave me a hug. I filled them in on what would be happening. By the time I finished we were all hyper and giddy.

"Two days!! That's all we have to wait! I can't believe it! " I sighed falling back on my bed. 'This has got to be...the best thing...that has ever happened to me!' After that, I fell asleep, into a very..wonderful, but odd dream.

~In my Dream...~

I walked up to him, and handed him what he had been looking for. His necklace. The large piece a silver and jewels was handed over. He took it and sighed.

"Please Dana! Why are you doin` this? Why wont you believe me!" I heard a man beg. He's face was blurry but I could tell his was highly upset.

"I believe you!! It just can't happen OK!" I tried to yelled but my voice was husky from crying.

"Why can't it work Dana...If I love you, and you love me, then why can't it work?" He asked coming closer to me, taking my hands.

"I don't know...I-I'm just scared. I don't wanna get hurt again. I- I don't want you to be the one to h-hurt me.." I trailed off

"I wouldn't hurt you. The thought of even doin it hurts ME. I couldn't, wouldn't, ever do that to you." He stroking my check. I looked up into his eyes...


"What-huh-who? alarm..." I said, not even giving my dream, a second thought.

* * * * *