The next couple of days went by sooo slowly! I couldn't ever sit still. I ran every morning and evening trying to get the time to go by quicker. It never worked, but at least I was working out. All of us spent our last nights acting like total tennyboppers. Learning all the dance moves and lyrics to every song. We even started picking out what we were gonna wear for the whole trip. Day by day!

Soon..the day arrived. We were all running round the house trying to get ready. Which was hard since there is only one bathroom. I was finished first so I ran down the hall to get something to eat. I pulled out a yogurt and grubbed a spoon I sat down on the contour and started eating. I was lost in my own lil world thinking when the door bell rang. I looked at my watched and realized that it was 3:30. Time for the limo to pick us up!

"Comin!" I yelled running to the door.

"Dana! If that's Adam tell him NO! No matter what he says!" I heard Ashley yelled from upstairs. I laughed and opened the door and dropped my spoon

"Damn!" I said as I bent down to pick it up.

"Here lemme help you" I heard a gentle voice say as a shadow came over me. I looked up to see who it was when I bumped my head against something.

"OW!" I cried pulling my hand up to hold my head

"Oh man! I'm sorry! Are you ok? I didn't-I mean- oh Geez!" He said as he placed his hand over mine. For the first time I looked up at the person. He's blue eyes looked at me with concern as a gentle smile crept on his face. That's when I realized it was Justin Timberlake.

"Thanx." I smiled and stood up

"Great goin Justin! Kill the winner!" I heard Chris say and all the other guys crack up laughin. I looked at Justin and saw him turn a slight pinkish color.

"Where are the other girls?" Joey asked stepping infront of Lance

"They should be down in a minute. Oh! By the way, I'm Dana." I said sticking my hand out.

"Pleasure to meet ya!" Joey said kissing my hand. I raised an eyebrow at the rest of the guys, then giggled.

"Hi there." I laughed. I shook hands with all the guys. They all smiled and did something to make me feel a lil more comfortable.

"Lemme go get the other girls" I said breaking away from them. I walked to the foot of the stairs then looked back at the guys. They were all looking at me. I sighed and turned back to the stairs

"GUYS! GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I turned back to the guys and smiled. They all looked at me then laughed

"Damn women! You've got a set of lungs on you!" Joey said, laughing

"I know!" I smiled

"DANA!! IS THE LIMO HERE YET?" Kim yelled down the stairs. I looked at the guys

"Yeah girl! It's here. NOW GET DOWN HERE!" I yelled, laughing. In a few minutes I saw Kim and Ashley come down the stairs. Ashley was holding on to here lil backpack while Kim was jumping down 3 stairs at a time.

"Hey-lo!" Kim said walking into the room. She saw the guys but didn't make a big deal of it

"WAZZUP?" She screeched, wrinkling her nose up. They all said hello.

"Guys this is Kim" I said.They shook hands

"And...the one hiding over there, is Ashley" I laughed pulling her beside me.

"Nothin to be scared of sweetie! We don't bit...unless you want us to!" Joey said walking over taking her hand and kissing it. She giggle and meet the rest of the guys.

"Wait...weren't there 5 of you. Only 3 are here." Lance said looking around the room like the other 2 were gonna pop out at him.

"Yeah... I guess their still upstairs. I'll just go get them. Screaming doesn't work anymore huh?" I laughed and turned running up the stairs

"GUYS! Come on! Hurry up!" I said opening the door. Marianne and Kerri were grabbing their bags and starting to the door.

"That's better!" I said pushing them out the door. As we were walking down the stairs we got half way there when they both stopped and stood there. I slammed right into them

"Ow! Guys! What's up? Go!" I said trying to push them. They were both looking in the same direction. I looked to where they were looking. Duh, of course. They were staring at NSYNC, sitting on our couch.

"Oh great..." I mumbled to myself.

* * * * *