"Oh great..." I mumbled. Marianne and Kerri just stood there, mouths wide open. The guys looked up and started giggling.

"Guys...come on." I said nudging the girls to go down the stairs. Didn't work.

"MOVE OUT! NOW!" I yelled right in Kerri's ear. She jumped and looked back at me. She pushed Marianne and slowly, they starting moving down the stairs. The guys stood up ready to shake somemore hands. Marianne and Kerri put their bags down and walked over to the guys as slow as possible, with me stuck behind them til I could get off the stairs. I ran past them almost running into Justin. He held up his hands and back up a lil, laughing.

"Oops..Sorry!" I smiled. Kerri and Marianne were getting over there shyness quickly. Pretty soon everyone new each other and was talking to each other.

"Um..Guys? Sorry to ask this but, what are ya'll doin here?" I asked sitting down inbetween Joey and JC.

"Well...I guess the radio DJ told you about a surprise right?" JC asked I nodded my head.

"Well...we're it. The surprise was for us to pick you up at your homes, in a limo and take you to the airport with us. Then you would fly down to Orlando with us on our plane and then we would take you to the Disney Magic. Also where we are staying too. Then we would take you to sound check. Now heres the weird part. Since you've already met us, your gonna go around with you BSP and look for some fans. GOOD fans. Ones that really deserve your passes. When you find them, bring them backstage to the Meet-N-Greet so we can meet them. Any other questions?" JC said, taking in some air.

"Yeah...the trip is for four days. This seems like maybe 2..what about the otther 2 days. Are they just our free time?" Kim asked

"Haha. No, actually, you stuck with us for the whole four days. We're supose to do anything you want. This is for us, to get a chance to know what our fans do for us. So you'll be taking us anywhere you want to go, or we'll be taking you anywhere we want to go. BUT...During that time we have stuff to do. Other concerts, signings, mall stuff, but you'll also be working for us there to. Handing out BSP at the concerts, t-shirts, books, and other stuff at mall and signing stuff. Sounds like fuuun huh?" Joey said laughing. We all shook our heads, not able to speak. 'No freakin way!! This can't be true! What did I do to deserve this?! I never did anything wonderful for anyone!'

"Yeah...This will be great!" Kerri said.

"OK...well I guess we should get going?" Lance said, standing up.

"Yup! Lets go" JC said following Lance. Us girls went to go grab our bags. We headed to the door and out the porch when someone grabed my elbow

"Where are you going?" He asked. I turned my head up to see who was talking to me.

"Lemme go Kevin. I don't see why it's any concern to you!" I spat.

"Yes it is! Your my girlfriend!" He yelled in my face trying to turn me around. This caught everyones attention

"Please Kevin. Lemme go. Your embarrassing me and yourself. Just let me go. We broke up. Please" I begged him trying to keep my voice low but understanding

"No! Your not going!" He said, yanking on my arm, causing my bag to fall out of my hand.

"Excuse me. Your hurting her. Let her" Someone said coming up behind me.

"Justin..can you just take my bag. I'll be with you in a moment. Please." I asked. He looked at me for a moment then at Kevin. Then he grabbed my bag and starting walking towards the limo.

"Kevin, let me go. Please." I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me for a moment before letting me go.

"Thank you! Now please understand. We're not going out. We would probably be friends if you hadn't acting like this the last few weeks. I'll be gone for a few days. I'll call you when I get back..." I turned around and jogged to the car. I hopped in and sat next to Justin and Kim.

"Kevin still buggin ya?" Kim asked, picking at her nails.

"Yeah...I think he'll stop now though." I laughed

"Good." All the girls said. They were sick of him to.

"Who's Kevin?" Justin asked, grabbing my arm where Kevin had his hands

"Oh..He's just my ex. He's harmless. He's just...a lil...lonely." I laughed. Everyone looked at me, but they left it at that.

"Whens our flight?" Marianne asked

"Um..5:00." Lance said looking at his watch then smiling at her.

"Cool." Ashley said. We all nodded our heads in agreement

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