We arrived at the airport 15 minutes later. We all grabbed our bags and followed the guys since we didn't know where we were going. Soon we followed them to a termanal where 100's of girls were waiting for them. I looked at Kim in shock. The guys walked over and signed a few autographs for the fans and took some picture. We just stood there trying not to get noticed. We didn't want people to think we were with them. Pretty soon they came over and joined us. We just smiled and boarded the plane. We have first class seats so I ran and grabed the window seat in the last row. I put my carry-on in the over head compartment and sat down and looked out the window.

"Ever flown before?" Someone asked me. I turned around and smiled. Justin smiled back

"Nope!" I laughed looking back out the window.

"When you do it all the time, it just becomes normal." He laughed

"Is it fun?" I asked. He laughed

"Sometimes, it's not fun. Sometimes, it is. It gets boring cause you can't move though, but when you have someone to talk to, it's not so bad." He said and winked.

"Great!" I said and then put on my seatbelt. I couldn't get it right so I watched Justin put on his and then tried mine again. Didn't work.

"Stupid thing.."I mumbled, trying to get it to work again. I heard a laugh next to me.

"Need some help there?" Justin said.

"Could you?" I asked.

"Sure..." He took the buckle from my hands and snapped them together and tightened it around my waist.

"All set!" He said and laughed

"Thanx much."

"This is your captain speaking. Please hold your attention to the flight attendent infront of you...blah blah blah" I listened to the man talk til I got bored and started picking at my nails. "Please enjoy the flight and thank you for flying South West"

I was still looking out the window with Justin over my shoulder looking too when we hit some turbulence. I jumped back and looked at Justin. He laughed and patted my hand

"It's ok. It's nothin to be scared of." I nodded my head, but didn't look out the window again. Just then the plane jolted sending us all over the place. I put my hand on my stomach trying to calm it down while the other was on the arm rest holding on tightly.

"Sh*t!" I heard Justin say

"What?!" I looked at him in worry. He looked back at me forgetting I was there then gave me a small smile.

"Nothin." He said. I knew he was lying. I'm not dumb. The plane jerked again and I heard someone scream. I looked across the ille at Ashley. She had her eyes closed and was holding onto Joey's shirt while he held her other hand. I looked back at Justin and saw him looking infront of us. I guess he was checking on the rest of the guys. Just then, another jerk, this time a lot harder. It knocked me to the side. I hit my head on the window. I let out a weak cry before grabbing my head. I put my elebows down on my knees and rested my head in my hands. The plane had stopped shacking and the stweardess's where checking all the people

"Hey..You ok?" I heard Justin ask. I shook my head no.

"Here...look at me." He said. I lifted my head and looked at him. He was blurry for a second

"Your bleeding!" He yelled. He took the end of his shirt and dabbed my forhead with it.

"Ow!"I said trying to pull my head back but his hand was on the back of it.

"Sorry" He said slowly still cleaning the cut.

"When we get to the airport, we'll put something on it. It's not that bad. Just a lil cut" He said moving away. I smiled at him

"Thanks" I scratched my head

"When do we get off the plane?" I asked him, he laughed.

* * * * *