Our Opinion On Backstreet Boys

Why We Dislike The Backstreet Boys

(Can we say, ewww....)

Hey fellow *N Sync lovers. OK, I know some of you all out there ALSO like Backstreet Boys. Well....we don't. This is our opinion, ok? We are so *N Sync worshippers all the way, baby! Here are some of the reasons why we don't like BSB.

1. They sing nasty songs. OK, so what's up with this whole, "If you want it to be good, girl, get yourself a bad boy." song?? OK, now when I was 12 I definitely was NOT listening to songs that suggested that. I mean, the majority of BSB fans haven't even hit puberty yet! They should clean their act up.
2. They aren't cute. I know this is a shallow reason and everything, but all you girls out there can't honestly say that if your favorite group was ugly and overweight, you would still hang their posters all over your walls. I don't think so.
3. AJ can't sing. Now AJ fans don't kill me, but he really can't. Have you heard some of those solos that he sings? I've listened to most of the boybands out today, and I have given them all a chance. BSB are actually good singers, except when AJ does his part, I feel like banging my head into a tree. Anything to get his scratchy voice out of my head.
4. They have a dirty image. What's up with all the visable tattoos?? OK, I guess my biggest problem with that group is cuz of AJ. His arms are just nasty. Put that together with the kind of clothes I usually see them in, and their image doesn't come off too pure.
5. They seem like they're always in competition with *N Sync. I know everyone is going to say I'm biased, and I probably am, but the BSB seem like the ones who take this whole competition thing the most seriously. I read in an article, quoted by Nick Carter, that he thought it was degrading to him to be compared to someone like *N SYNC. Talk about big egos!!
6. No sense of fashion. Hehe....ok, where are the cool dreads?? And I'm sorry but Howie's hairdo was so, 5 years ago. Have you seen the outfits they have worn for certain awards shows?? Nuff said.
7. Fame has gone to their heads. It is a known fact that Nick Carter is the biggest jerk in the world. He thinks he is God but I hate to have to tell him that um... YOU'RE NOT GOD!!!hehehehe.
8. Because they're getting too big-headed!! And Nick thinks he's really god! -Anny de Bloois Goojers, we agree!
9. They act like 'N SYNC doesn't exist... What's up with that. They even have stole ideas for concerts, Chris said so, and then they act like it was their idea. They sue everyone...They sued Johnny Wright and his crew when they went out on their own, but what I think is funny is Johnny sued them back! -Kylie (dkcain@gte.net)
10. Also on nasty song Nick sings (in Backstreets Back) Am I sexual. What are they trying teach fans who are only 11?!? -Sarah Nelson (nsync_1414@hotmail.com)
11. BSB can not dance if it killed them. PLUS! They are all REALLY perverted! Katy Rose (Anti-BSB lover!!)
12. They were made up not like NSync. They were just picked to get together. They are shallow and only care about the money. They think everyone loves them and that they are the best. They are bad role models. -Jenny (Crunk3198)
13. They have such a bitchy attitude toward NSync! I mean I never liked them esp. AJ and Nick. They are so ugly! Nick is a girl damnit! And AJ can't sing a note if he tried ! Anywayz i love Nsync and BSB suck so there! And do you notice that all their songs have the same sound like the song "as long as you love me." weird huh. (well maybe not since they all use crack.) -Janelle
14. I HATE the backstreet boys because they all think they're so cool. I mean, their song on the radio sounds like something *N SYNC sings,(even though it sucks) and they're losing some of their fans to the awesome group *N SYNC that they start singing songs like them, they're the ones who copy everything not *N SYNC. -Sharon Tacheny
15. I hate the Backstreet Boys because they can't sing, especially not NICK. Ahh his voice is in between a girl and a dying cat. It is horrible and they are so ugly and so perverted considering their fans are mostly under the age of 14!! God they need some common sense!! NSYNC ROCKS!! -Mandy
16. Well first of all, you got the name all wrong it should be the Backstreet GIRLS! And why on more than 2 occasions have they hired fake fans to mob them? Hmmmmm let me think...cuz they can't get enough on their own cuz they suck royally!!! -Amanda
17. On their new CD they have a song called I don't Want You back. Doesn't that sound a little too familiar. Everyone said that 'N Sync copied the BSB's Everybody (Backstreet's Back) by doing I want You back. AND The BSB are planning on 'flying' during their concerts...just like another group which will remain nameless ('N Sync, 'N Sync, 'N Sync) is doing. -Jami
18. Their songs are totally lame. Hey Mr. DJ! Keep playin this song for me cause i have a huge crush on a girl! i think this song'll make her like me! -Alice
19. Well let's see. Backstreet BOYS. Meaning they are little perverted BOYS.Nsync are men. Backstreet Boys=boys, Nsync=men! *cough*nuf said*cough*!! -Gwen
20. Nick is fat amd A.J. does nasty things to the floor. Have you ever seen the "backstreet boys: coming home"? Well you shouldn't cause nick's overweight, oily-skinned self some help. And I don't thing 9 year old girls and their moms want to see a.j. taking his clothes off onstage. And they didn't come to see a.j. do NASTY things to the floor. They aren't a good example and you would NEVER see nsync acting in that way. -NSyNcXLvR
21. THEY ARE FRIGHTENING. OK, I'm sorry but how can anyone say that they are hot??? Brian looks like a Rescue Ranger, Nick looks like...well..Nick which is scary enough for me, AJ....Doesn't realize he is not a ghetto boy (not to mention his looks *shudder*), Howie looks like a leprachaun and Kevin is suprisingly normal hmmmm one member is normal don't you find that strange? -sox@bellatlantic.net
22.They said that it is an honor to be the first boy band of the '90s. They also said that, our beloved, *N Sync is just another image of them. Which is TOTALLY uncalled for. The look nothing like them, and sound nothing like them. There for, they are NOT and an image of them. Plus; AJ, Howie, Nick, Brain, and Kevin probably suck each other! -Brockjess@aol.com
23.I just saw BSB on tv (twice - Disney Channel & Fox Family) and my reaction - - "so what?!" It seems like they are even in competition with each other - wanting to sing solos and stuff, rather than doing the all-group tight harmonies that 'N Sync pull off so well. And their looks? Nick is fat and pimply, and that hair style has got to go (it's only been like five years that he's worn it the same way), and I'd be afraid to touch AJ, 'cause it looks like you can catch a slimy disease from him (did you guys also notice he's going bald?). Howie is so short!!! And Brian really does look like a chipmunk. Kevin is the most normal looking, but he sounds like he's really conceited. I'll take N Sync over BSB any day! -Alicia.Mejia@lls.edu
24. They are the Backstreet fags Nick and his fat self can't sing worth a flip, Howie is just so gay that I can't even stand it, Brian... *Shudder*... let's not even GO THERE, and AJ is getting a little too freaky and tatooed for my taste. - NSync51112@aol.com
25. Nick looks like he is on drugs. I wouldn't be surprised if he got caught dealing drugs to some little 10 year old!
Kevin's Age Kevin has to be at least 40. Backstreet Boy? I think not.
A.J. I say many times before if you touch Aj you might catch some funky dieseses or something.
Nose Picker? Brian must pick his nose! I mean look at the size of it!
Latin Lover? Howie, "the Latin Lover". Hmmmm, what a nickname for someone who sings to 10 year olds! -fallsst@pikeonline.net
26. All their songs are about them trying to get a girl. Key word: trying. I mean, "I'll Never Break Your Heart", "All I Have To Give", umm...I don't really know that many more. Anyway, everyone talks about NSync copying BSB but WAIT A MINUTE! Who started the white suits in videos? NSync! Who flew across the audience at concerts originally? NSync! And talk about egos....I read an article that Nick said that he doesn't think that they should be competing with NSync because they are more better maturity wise. Well, it took you YEARS to make it big and it took NSync about 1/2 the time! (Ilvgators8@aol.com)
I hate the BSB for mostly one reason and that is Nick Carter. God has anyone ever noticed how high and mighty he thinks he is. I read an interview once and one of the questions to him was what's your favorite beanie baby. And Nick named one and goes I like it cause it's rare and precious like me. Rare and Precious my butt. He's so egotistical and his voice is so whiny.
And well AJ is really freaky I can bet you he probably has every STD known to man and I think he got those from Howie.
Howie is an ugly troll I wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pool.
Brian I think he's a product of incest.
Kevin is the only normal one the only thing I don't like about him is how it's always mentioned that he used to be a model. Who cares!!! Personally I think he should do something about his eyebrows my god I've never seen anyone with bushier eyebrows in my life. (love2shop8@excite.com)
27. EVERYTHING! First off, I Want You Back came out BEFORE Everybody (Backstreet's Back). If you were once a Backstreet fan (like I was, I then realized what I was listening to and admiring) you'd know they released Everybody on a whole new cd, which was out after N Sync's I Want You Back came out! Secondly, Nick is just scary! He has so much money, don't you think he could afford to get his zits removed and get plastic surgery or something! One magazone that I got said what if they asked any celebrities what their fav N Sync song is, what would they say. Well, they said Nick Carter would say "The Perfect Fan, because it's so obvious how much the N Sync guys look up to us. Wait a sec, that's our song. Never mind." This just proves that everyone, including magazines, think that Nick is full of himself! (Krysta)
28. They are arrogant, perverted bastards. [They are] ugly as heck and are full of it (skc)
29. They are jerks! Ok, I bought a n' sync magazine and they asked other stars what their favorite n'sync song is and nick says the perfect fan(!). I mean they don't even give them credit for singing any songs! (Paige)
30. I hate the Backstreet Boys because they say they have girlfriends when they mean they have eachother because they r gay and someone has to have a 3-some or it just wouldn't be right. Also on the Video Music Awards on MTV AJ was wearing like a girl's outfit. (Kelly)
30. Couple of words! MTV Music Video Awards. If I was a parent I WOULD NOT let my son/daugter watch their preformance. A.J. wore a crop shirt! Nick just looked plain nasty. I had nightmares that night!! (Jess)
31. First of all Brian is gay. Whatever you want to think otherwise be my guest, but that boy if flaming. (Heather)
32. Second of all on larger than life" Lookin at the crowd and I see your body swayin c'mon. Wishin I could thank you in a different way c'mon.." hmm now are they implying they want to have sex with their fans who re like 11 years old? (Heather)
33. And my last thing is in their Sears commercial. They run away from their fans! hello smack in the face. Like Larger than life says" all of your time spent keeps us alive.." Yeah so why the hell do you keep running away. This isnt a fact, but it bought question to my mind, ok nick lost a lot of his fans to the adorable Justin Timberlake( uh justin or Nick hmmmm hello JUSTIN) and so nick decided to get fans by starting the britney and Justin rumor. hmmm sounds like the weasel nick carter we all know. (Heather)
34. They are so freakin old! The youngest is almost 20! Most of their freakin fans are like 10 years old! Their music is so freakin boring! And they just came out with a new CD back in May! It normally takes me a year before I get bored of a CD! I got bored of Millennium within a week! Nick is ugly! Kevin is like so old and ugly! The person that let him model had to be blind! Howie is a damn gay troll! His hair is so greasy! It's disgusting! I have nothing bad to say about Brian. AJ is a freak and a druggie! God! Look at him! Too many tattoos! He's just a freak! (Micah)
35. They put no effort into dancing it's so plain and boring, while Nsync does flips, and has smooth moves and are all together and perfect.
36. BSB sound nasally(noses all stuffed up)
37. The only have on good song Larger than life, cuz it's fast and u can dance to it, but EVERY OTHER song I have gotten sick of, especially I want it that way. I never get sick of Nsync songs
38. BSB copies Nsync for sure i mean they were gonna come out with a Christmas album, even though it was cancelled it was still copying our nsync babies, cuz they did it first!
39. I have one thing to say, dancers. BSB has fricken dancers, which shows that they can't dance. Do you see Nsync having dancers with them? NO!!! (Stephanie)
39. They do "participate" with their fans enough. I mean they don't "meet and greet" them enough. I think that is who they should be there for the most. They won''t even meet people who are extremely sick. They claim that they don't have enough time. Yeah right. You got enough time to take five minutes out their schedule. for goodness sake this is their one wish!!! (Katie)

More To Come Later...

Tell us your reasons for hating BSB.