Jensen reached over and turned the radio up as *N Sync's new single came on. She started singing along and attempted to harmonize with "her" boys. She laughed at herself.....sheessh, she was 18 years old and after the summer she was going to start college, but now all she could think about was Lance, Joey, Justin, JC and Chris. She nick-named herself the closet teeny-bopper. A loud horn brought her back to reality, but it was too late. She heard her brand new Lexus that she had received for a graduation present crunch as she rammed into the vehicle in front of her. Then it all went black.


Jensen could hear voices. "Someone call 911" ........."Is she alive".........."Is anyone else hurt"........then she heard the sirens and could feel herself drift in and out of consciousness. An annoying voice kept asking her what her name was, and she finally forced herself out of the haze and answered him.

"Damn you, my name is Jensen."

"Thank god." the voice said

"Who the hell are you?" Jensen groggily asked

"Just a good samaritan you might say. My name is Josh. You kinda ran into my bus."

"Oh car?"

" can't really be considered a car anymore, more like a hunk of metal."

"Ohhhhhhh. My parents are gonna kill me."

"I seriously doubt that Jensen. Why don't you rest now? The paramedics are here."

"Thanks for staying with me Josh."

"No problem."


"This seriously bites, yo. We stuck in this dump until the freakin' bus gets fixed." Complained Justin

"Stop trying to be all ghetto you freak." Snapped Chris

"Shut the hell up guys. We should be thinking about the girl who was in the accident. She was hurt pretty bad."

"Yeah guys. Maybe we should go visit her since we suddenly have some free time on our hands." said Lance

"And risk getting mauled by a mob of 12 year way man." said Justin

"I'm going guys, whoever wants to come with me can." JC called the limo and asked it to come and pick him up at the hotel.

"I'll come JC." said Joey. Lance and Chris decided to go along as well. They left Justin.

"Aww what the hell.......wait for me guys!" Justin ran out the door after the guys.


"And then, I don't know what happened. One minute I was listening to "my boys" on the radio and the next I'm roadkill." Jensen said

"Well, you're very lucky you were wearing your seatbelt. It may have saved your life." said the emergency room doctor, Dr. Ackles.

A nurse stuck her head in the room and called out, "Miss Brady, you have some visitors."


I must be on morphine or something because my visitors look a hell of a lot like "my boys."

"Umm, hi Jensen. We just wanted to come see how you were doing." said JC

"I'm not sure. Am I seeing things or are you really there?"

"I'm sorry I don't understand."

"Well, it's just that you guys look a lot like this band I love, *N Sync.....but that couldn't be you."

"HELLO! What drugs are you on chica? We are *N Sync. You freakin' crashed our tour bus today. Does any of that ring a bell?" exclaimed an irritated Justin.

"JUSTIN SHUT UP!!" yelled Lance.

"Oh my god. I crashed *N Sync's bus? Holy sh*t!"

"Jensen, it's ok. Don't you remember me? I talked to you while we waited for the paramedics. It's me Josh.....aka JC."

"Is the bus ok?"

"It'll survive. It needs a lil work, but it will be good as new in a few days. In the meantime we're kinda stranded here." explained Joey

"I'm really don't know how sorry I am. This was supposed to be the best summer of my life....and what do I do {tears start to roll down Jensen's cheeks and she begins to stammer and sniffle} I ...I my car ..and put the "my boys" danger......"

"Jensen, please. It was an accident. We're fine, you'll recover. Everything will be ok." JC reached over and put his hand on her shoulder and smiled at her. Jensen smiled back.

* * * * *

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