"Jensen, you have to tell Justin about want to be with me, don't you?"

"Yes Josh, oh God yes, but telling him is going to be so hard."


"Because I've been leading him on this entire time. He was kinda like my back-up if I didn't get together with you. I feel so horrible saying it, but it's truth. Justin's sweet and I like him, but I never connected with him the way I do with you."

"The longer you wait, the harder it will be to tell him. Do you want me to come with you?"

"No Josh, this is something I have to do on my own."


After a long talk and another romantic interlude, Jensen made her way back to her own room {making sure not to leave any clothes behind} and fell fast asleep on her own bed. She awoke the next morning to pounding on her hotel room door.

"Wake up girlie!" Justin called

"What the hell are you doing waking me up at this hour?"

"What do ya mean? It's already 12:30!"

"Really? I'm so tired."

"Oh yeah? What were you doing behind my back last night baby?"

"Nothing....nothing at all." Jensen answered a little too quickly

"Well, get dressed, I have our whole day planned. We're gonna go on a picnic, to the zoo.........."

"No you're not Justin," interrupted Lance "we have rehearsal today until 5."

"Ow sh*t. I forgot. We'll do dinner tonite, ok Jensen?"

"Sure." she murmured faintly

"Great, dress sexy." he called as he ran down the hallway to his room to get ready to go.

Jensen found herself alone in the middle of the hallway when Josh came out of his room. Their eyes locked and passion immediately flared. Josh came across the hall and took her in his arms. They closed her door.

"Josh," Jensen said breathlessly, "be careful. We don't want to get caught."

"We won't get caught baby, I'm careful. Besides I only want one kiss."

"Umm....Josh, I don't think a kiss is the only thing you want." she smiled at him. She felt him harden against her silk robe.

"Yeah, maybe I do want something more.....but since I can't have it, what I need right now is a cold shower." he leaned over and kissed her softly

"Mind if I join you?" Jensen asked in a sultry voice

"Don't tempt me baby. If we had enough time....." he grinned sexily at her

Jensen smiled at him and then she frowned, "Justin and I are going to dinner tonite. I'm gonna tell him."

"Ok baby....and if you start to get scared just do like that Tae-Bo guy Billie Blanks says and "BE STRONG!"

"Ummm....ok since when did you start doing Tae-Bo?"

"I've seen the infomercial a few times."

"Yeah right Josh, I think you just like seeing Billie in his spandex outfits."

"No way honey.....but I would love seeing you in spandex."

"No way dude, spandex is against my religion."

"Ummm and what religion would that be?"

"Jensenism....I don't believe in manual labor, getting up before 9, homework, running, Marilyn Manson and spandex."

"That's a pretty interesting religion." Josh laughed

"Yeah, I know."

"JC, we gotta jet!" yelled Joey from the hallway

"Ok babe. I'll see you later." he leaned in for one more kiss

"I love you Josh."

"I love you too." Jensen sighed as the door closed behind Josh. She leaned against the door and slid to the ground.

* * * * *