The guys arrived back from rehearsal a little later than expected. Justin was running around his hotel room frantically trying to get ready.

"Whoa, Justin....enough cologne there. What did ya do....pour on the whole damn bottle?" asked Joey

"No way man....I just wanna smell good for my lady."

Across the hall Jensen sits and waits on the couch for Justin. The TV is on, but she isn't watching. She's thinking about what she has to do tonite.

There are three sharp knocks on the door, "Hiya honey. Ready for a lil romance?" Justin calls from outside the door.

Jensen sighs and moves to answer the door. The moment it opens, Justin wraps her in his arms and gives her a deep passionate kiss. Jensen let's him kiss her but is unresponsive to it. She gently breaks away from him.

"Hold on Justin, let me get my where are we going for dinner." she asks over her shoulder as she heads toward her purse on the nightstand.

"Somewhere special....."

Jensen smiles at him meekly and the two of them walk out of her room. On the way downstairs they pass Josh's room in the hallway. Jensen looks wistfully at it then continues on her way.


The limo pulls up to a posh restaurant about twenty minutes from the hotel. Once they walk in they are promptly seated. Jensen opens the menu and gasped. None of the dishes cost under $35. She knew then that she was in some deep sh*t.

"I've have your special tonite and the lady will have the same." Justin told the waiter when he came to take their order, "We'd also like some of your best champaign."

"Justin," Jensen hissed, "We can't drink."

"We can for special occasions."

"You can, but I don't drink." Jensen send adamantly.

"Actually, you can just cancel that champaign. We'll just have water, thanks." Justin told the waiter.

"You seem a little edgy tonite." Justin said reaching across the table to take Jensen's hand

"I'm fine. I've just got a lot of things on my mind."

"Yeah, me too. In fact that's the reason why I brought you here tonite. I have to tell you something very important. I feel that unless I tell you about it, our relationship can never move to the next level." Justin said earnestly

"Wait...Justin before you confess anything, I really have to tell you something....."

"Wait Jensen. Just this once let me go first." Justin took a deep breath and began his sordid tale.

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