Jensen slowly walked into the room and gently shut the door behind her. The only sound in the room was the insistent beeping of the machines keeping Justin alive. She pulled a chair and sat next to Justin's bed. She held his hand in hers and stroked his fingers. Justin didn't stir.

"Justin," Jensen started, "I'm so sorry. You did nothing to deserve this. I was so horrible to unfeeling. I didn't realized how my loving Josh would hurt you. God, I would give anything to have told you earlier and avoided this whole mess. I really do care about you Justin....but there is no way I could ever love you the way I love Josh. I just want to be we were before..." Jensen sighed and sat in silence

Then Jensen began to hum sweetly to Justin. It was Dave Matthews Band "Crash Into Me." Ironically that had been the first song that came into her head. Suddenly Jensen heard another voice humming along. She looked down and she saw Justin's baby blues staring straight back up at her. He gave her a small smile.

"Oh God Justin, you're ok." Jensen squeezed his hand tightly

"Whoa there girlie.....I don't need a broken hand too."

"Oh, sorry."

"No biggie. Look Jensen, I heard everything you said.....and I want you to know that you're free to love whomever you want. I'll survive without your love.....but I would appreciate your friendship."

"Oh, you've got it Curly!" Jensen gave him her brightest smile.

Suddenly there was a knock on the window. There stood Lance, Joey, Josh and Chris making funny faces in the mirror. They wanted their chance with Justin. She smiled at the guys then looked at Justin. She gave him a little kiss on the forehead and left the room. Lance, Joey and Chris were fighting about who got to go in next when she stepped into the hallway. She went right into Josh's arms.

"It's gonna be ok, Josh. It's gonna be ok." Jensen smiled up and him and received the kiss he offered. The pieces of their lives were finally falling into place.


Dr. Horton went in to see Justin after he woke up. He came out of the room saying that he was on the road to recovery. Joey had won the game of rock-paper-scissors that the guys used to decide who got to see Justin next. He walked into the room and sat next to Justin.

"Dude, I'm so sorry. I totally feel like this is my fault." Joey said

"Your fault?"

"Yeah, I mean.....I was the one who kept telling you to go after her."

"Yeah, but I didn't have to listen to you. Besides it's not like you knew that she was in love with JC."

"I suppose, but I still feel guilty."

"Well, stop it now. We've got a schedule to rework and plans to make. Plus, have you checked out some of the candy stripers.....they are crunk."

"It's nice to have the old horny Justin back. I was getting worried about you for a while."

"Well, it'll take me a while to get over Jensen.....but that doesn't mean I can't have some fun while I'm doing it."

"Oh boy......." Joey breathed

"What Superjoe?"

"Check out that hunny over there." Joey discreetly pointed in the direction of a candy striper with red hair and long legs.

"Ummm yeah......"

"Justin....I think you need your pillows fluffed!"

"Huh...what? My pillows.....OH I gotcha." Justin leaned down and pressed the buzzer to call for someone. The redhead made her way toward Justin's room.

"It's showtime brother." Justin whispers.

* * * * *