"What can I do for you?" asked the red-head

"A lot of things.....but you could start with giving me your name and number." Justin said with a sexy smile

"Damn boy, you work fast. Some of your vital organs can't function on their own and you are obviously thinking with another one of your organs."

"I'm just trying to stay loose."

"Whatever. My name is Mariah....and you are.." Mariah looks down at his chart, "Justin......hey wait, you're that guy from *N SYNC."

"That would be me." Justin replied

"Hey Mariah. Recognize me?" asked Joey getting up from his seat

"No. Should I know you?" Mariah asked. Justin could hardly contain his laughter

"I'm Joey..." he paused and waited for her reaction. When there was none he continued, "...from *N SYNC."

"You are? Wow, I had no idea." An awkward silence follows.

"Well, I can see when three's a crowd. Bye guys.....and Justin, behave." Joey said with a wave as he left the room. He ushered Lance and Chris away from the doorway so that Justin could work his magic.


After Jensen's visit with Justin she decided to let Josh take her back to the hotel for some desperately needed rest.

"Josh...I am so relieved. I can just feel the tension falling off of me."

"I'm glad baby. Why don't you slip into something a little more comfortable and then I'll hold you until you fall asleep."

"Well, I was thinking about taking a shower first......" she said suggestively

Josh smiled knowingly and followed her into the bathroom. Once inside they slowly stripped off eachothers clothes and turned on the shower to warm the water. Then they stepped inside together. They held eachother tightly as the water beat down on their heads as their worries washed away. Josh made some lather with sweet smelling soap and began to rub Jensen's body. His hands moved in a circular motion across her shoulders and down her back. Then he turned her around and focused on her chest. The created some more lather and slowly rubbed each breast, massaging them until both her nipples had hardened. Then his hand slipped lower, over her flat midriff. Then with both his hands he clutched her hips and brought her closer to him. Jensen could feel his pulsing erection growing with each moment. She groaned and pulled his head down for a passionate kiss. Josh slowly backed her up against the shower wall and Jensen wrapped her legs around him. They moved together in rhythm with the water as it pelted them from above.


While JC and Jensen were at the hotel the rest of the guys were at the hospital. Lance, Joey and Chris were debating the whole JC/Jensen/Justin dilemma.

"I just can't believe this happened." sighed Chris as he took a sip of his soda

"I know, me neither. I had no idea Justin was gonna tell Jensen he loved her...otherwise I never would have......" Lance trailed off

"Never would have what?" asked Joey

"Told Jensen to be with JC." Lance said

"Holy sh*t! That is so weird cause I told JC to go for it with Jensen." said Chris

"...and I told Justin to tell Jensen he loved her." Joey said

"Whoa." the three guys said.

"So I guess we kinda f*cked this whole deal up, didn't we." Joey said

"Hell yeah. So now what? Are Justin and JC gonna be able to move on?" Lance asked

"Oh, I think after Justin heals and gets over losing Jensen, he'll be able to reconcile with JC. He's already on the road to recovery. As we speak he's trying to get some from some candystripper he met." Joey said

"No way. That boy moves fast." Chris said

"Maybe too fast." Lance mumbled

The three guys get up and head back to Justin's room. Mariah is gone and Justin is about to go to sleep. The guys say goodnight and head back to the hotel for some rest.

* * * * *

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