After several weeks in the hospital and many months filled grueling sessions of physical therapy, Justin is well enough to perform. Through out those weeks many changes had occurred. Jensen and Josh were very open about their love for eachother and Justin was able to accept it. That was because he and Mariah were officially a couple. Tonight he was taking her out for their two month anniversary. Justin felt a sense of deja vu as he rushed around his hotel preparing for their date. He was taking Mariah out tonite to tell her he loved her. He had to tell her about Melanie tonight as well. Justin was relieved that at least Mariah knew about his past with Jensen. Having to tell all of that to Mariah at one time would be too difficult.

"Wooohoo Justin. You're looking nice. My sweet*ss jacket looks almost as good on you, as it does on me." Joey said

"Whatever dude. I'm just trying to look nice for my Mariah. I'm gonna tell her tonite." Justin said

"Tell her what?" asked Jensen as she and Josh walked in the room together hand in hand.

", well, you know the whole Melanie thing."

"'re that serious?" she asked

"I love her." Justin answered

"Well, I'm happy for her. I hope she understands how lucky she is to have you." Jensen said with a smile.

"Me too." Justin replied. Jensen leaned over, gave him a small hug and sat down on the couch next to Josh.

"I'm off peeps.....don't wait up!" Justin said as he raised his eyebrows. He closed the door behind him and made his way down the hall to meet his destiny.


Mariah and Justin sat down on plush chairs in a dim restaurant. The only light near them was due to the two candles lit on the table. Justin reached across the table and held Mariah's hand. A wave of fear came over him. He remembered what had happened last time he tried to commit to someone...but somehow he knew that this time it would be different. With love in his voice Justin proceeded to tell Mariah what had happen between him and Melanie.

".......and ever since then, committing to a relationship, especially in intimacy, has been so difficult for me. Frankly, I'm scared......I mean, especially after the whole Jensen thing..." Justin trailed off

"Baby, first thing, I'm not Jensen. Secondly, I love you. I want to be with you, and only you. I'm willing to do whatever I can to work this out. Together we can conquer you anxieties and fears." And with that loving remark, Mariah leaned across the table and gave Justin the most passionate kiss of his laugh. When they broke apart Justin smiled and signaled the waiter for the check.


The limo ride back to Mariah's place was pure sexual tension and frustration. As they walked into her apartment the phone began ringing.

"Don't worry Justin, they'll call back." And she promptly pulled the phone cord out of the wall.

Then Mariah made her way toward Justin. She gently placed her hands on his shoulders and pulled him in for a slow kiss......which grew more passionate with each second. As things became more heated Justin began to hesitate.

"Baby, I really don't know what I'm doing. This is the first time I've done this when I was truly conscious." Justin whispered

"Don't worry Justin.....just go with the flow."

With that she slipped his jacket from his shoulders where it landed in a heap on the carpet. Then she loosened his tie with nimble fingers. While she was undressing him, Justin was concentrating on Mariah's swan-like neck. He placed gentle kisses along it, lightly nipping and biting along the way. Once Justin's tie was off, the two of them resumed kissing with a fire of passion. Then Justin's fingers got to work. He reached behind Mariah and found the zipper to her dress. He pulled it down slowly. Mariah stepped out of her dress to reveal a dark green teddy. She motioned for him to follow her. She lead him into her bedroom. Mariah grabbed his hips and brought him close to her. She unbuttoned the buttons of his shirt one by one. With each button she undid, she place a kiss on his chest. Soon, his shirt was gone revealing his muscular body. Then Justin bent down toward Mariah's right thigh. With excruciating care he placed the garter hold up her stocking in his mouth. He gently pushed on the bed and then pulled her entire stocking off...his hands following and caressing the leg the stocking left bare. He gave her left leg the same treatment. Then Mariah sat up. Her hands went directly to Justin's belt buckle. With haste she undid it and pulled down his pants. Justin then joined her on the bed where they began stroking eachothers bodies and calling out eachothers names in passion. Justin put his hands on Mariah's inner thighs and began to slowly rub them. Then Mariah began to writhe in wanting when Justin's fingers left her thighs and went to her breasts. He massaged and suckled each of her breasts through the silk teddy.....and then directly on her bare skin. Soon, she was completely undressed and throbbing for his touch. Justin began to reach for his boxers when Mariah motioned for him to wait. She reached into her bedside table and found what she was looking for. Justin took the foil package from her and placed the condom on his growing erection. They moved together and felt a fantastic release at the same time. The two lovers collapsed against the bed, there eyes burning with passion and hearts full of love.

* * * * *