After another three months of intense touring, *N Sync was getting a two month break until they began recording their next album. Things couldn't be better for Justin & Mariah and Josh & Jensen. Both couples were very open with each other, and the tension due to Justin and Jensen's past had almost completely dissipated. The girls had become permanent fixtures in the guys lives. Now, the entire group, along with hundreds of their "closest friends," met at a beach house for a huge party to celebrate the guys getting a vacation. The group stood together on the porch.

"God, gimme some beer, and keep it coming." Joey said as he went off in search of a keg

"God, gimme some women, and keep them coming." Chris mocked Joey and ran off in the direction of some girls. "Those guys are such freaks." JC said

"Yeah...." Lance said distractedly. His attention was obviously focused on the petite brunette about ten feet away.

"Hey Scoop, go for it. She's cute." Justin said. He immediately received a smack from Mariah.

"HEY!!!" he yelped

"Whadaya mean she's cute?" Mariah asked feigning her anger

"Nothing baby. I was just trying to persuade Lance to go talk to her. You know you're the only one for me." He leaned over and gave Mariah a small kiss on the nose.

"Justin. I don't know...she looks like she's kinda with that big guy over there." Lance said hesitantly

"Dude, just go for it. And hey, if they big guy by the tree pops ya one, you won't have to worry about how you look on stage." Justin said

"Oh yeah, that's reassuring." Lance mumbled. Nevertheless, he straightened his shoulders and walked in that girls direction.


Out of the corner of her eye Tyler noticed a guy with spiky blonde hair and striking green eyes staring at her. She hoped that he would come over and ask her to dance because Jason, her ex-boyfriend kept bothering her. Jason was pretty intimidating and she hoped that just because he was hovering around her that the cute blonde wouldn't come over. She turned towards the shore and watched the waves crash on the sand. She fairly jumped five feet in the air when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

Tyler whipped her head around, "Jason, I said leave.....oh. You're not Jason."

"No, I'm not. My name is Lance."

"Hi. I'm Tyler."

"Sorry if I'm being too forward but, who is Jason?"

"See that big hulky guy standing by the keg over there?" Tyler asked. Lance nodded his head yes. "That's Jason, my ex-boyfriend who refuses to leave me alone."

"Well, I've got connections here. If he gives you anymore trouble you let me know."

"Thanks Lance. So, how did you get invited to this party? A friend of mine had an invitation and dragged me along with her."

"Do you even know what this party is for?" Lance asked

"Umm, I think it's for some band or something like that."

"Yeah it is. Have you ever heard of *N Sync?"

"Sure...aren't those the guys who sing that drive myself crazy song? I think I've seen the video on TRL a few times. Those guys are pretty good......oh my god. Holy sh*t! You're that Lance.....the *N Sync Lance."

"Yep, that's me."

"This party is for you guys?"

"Yeah. We're finally getting a break from touring."

"Boy, you must think I'm so dense. How could I not recognize you?"

"No don't say that. It's actually kinda refreshing. Not to sound conceited or anything, but I'm used to women, or actually 12 year old girls, throwing themselves at me. I'm glad you didn't realize who I was. But now that you know, what are you going to do about it?" Lance pressed

"I'm gonna treat you like any other sweet guy I have ever met.....and agree to let you take me out sometime." Tyler smiled coyly at him

"But I didn't even ask you out yet." Lance joked

"You're going to...aren't you?"

"Well, yes, but....."

"So I'll save you some time. Yes, I'll go. How about tomorrow night? Maybe dinner and a movie?"

"Damn you move fast girl....but sure, it's a date. Gimme your number and I'll call you with details tomorrow." Lance smiled at her as Tyler grabbed a pen from her bag. She took his hand and wrote her number on the back of it.

"Don't forget to call," she gently touched his cheek and then walked away.

Lance let out a sigh of relief. He was ecstatic. The girl of his dreams had asked him out!

"What the hell do you think you're doing with my woman?" Jason yelled at Lance

"Your girlfriend? Tyler told me you were her ex-boyfriend....."

"Well, we're getting back together."

"Sorry Jason, she's going out with me tomorrow."

"Listen buddy," Jason seethed, "Me and Tyler were meant for eachother and if you do anything to screw up our lives, I swear you will pay. I'll be watching you....." and with that Jason stalked away.

"Holy sh*t," Lance breathed, "what the hell did I get myself into?"

* * * * *