The whole crew made their way to beach in a matter of minutes. Joey and Chris immediately jumped into the surf, while the rest of the group sauntered on the sand or lounged on their towels.

"Mariah, baby, could you rub a lil suntan lotion on my back for me?" Justin asked sweetly

"Sure hon." Mariah answered

Justin laid down on his stomach. Mariah sat down on his lower back and straddled him. She squirted out the scented lotion and slowly rubbed it on his muscular shoulders and back. Her hands moved in slow circles as Justin groaned in appreciation and also frustration.

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea." Justin murmured

"Why not?" Mariah asked

"Because, now I want to take you in my arms and...." Justin raised his eyebrows at her suggestively

Mariah giggled, "Justin, it's only like 10:30 in the morning. How can your hormones be that active this early?"

"I don't know babe. It just seems that whenever I'm around you, I get a lil crazy."

"Well, just so you know, whenever I'm around you, I go a lil crazy too." Mariah smiled at him and patted his curly head, "Ok, you're done, now do me."

"Oh behave girlie. I'm not even gonna touch that one. Lay down." Justin instructed. The two switch positions on the towel, "Mariah, have I mentioned that you look incredibly sexy in your bikini?"

"No, you haven't, but thank you. I picked it out especially for you."

"Thanks baby. If I died now, I'd die a happy man."

"Don't say that Justin!" Mariah exclaimed as she turned over. Now the two were facing eachother with Justin on top.

"Mariah, I didn't mean anything by it. I'm not planning on going anytime soon."

"You better not." Mariah said

"Life is too good right now for me to leave. I've got my career, I've got four of the greatest friends ever, I've got my Mercedes...but most importantly I have you." Justin bent his head down toward Mariah's and the two shared a passionate kiss, oblivious of the growing activity around them.


"Just look at those two...going at it this early." Jensen said

"Do you disapprove?" asked Josh pulling her close

"Not at all. I just wish a certain somebody would pay attention to my lips, they're getting lonely all of a sudden." Jensen said while pouting her lips

"Oh, I think I can remedy that." Josh said with a smile as he planted a sweet kiss on Jensen's lips before taking her hand and leading her down to the sand.

* * * * *