A lot had happened in Jensen's life over the past few days. She was fully recovered and out of the hospital. After talking with JC (who she insisted on calling Josh) and the other guys it was decided that she could hang out with them on tour for the summer. The story picks up a week after the accident. Jensen is sitting in the kitchen area with Joey and Lance. The three of them are sharing the weirdest pick up lines they have ever heard {or used}.

"Hi my name is Treat.....want a piece of me?"

"That one is corny. Mine are way better than yours."

"Umm....Joey, yours all sound like they come straight from pornos." said Jensen

"I've got a good one guys." Lance leaned over and whispered into Jensen's ear. Her eyes got really wide and she started laughing hysterically.

"Dude, I can't believe those nasty words came out of your Mississippi albino mouth!"

"What he'd say?" asked Joey

"Never mind Joey..." Jensen laughed and made her way from the kitchen to her bunk as Joey tackled Lance trying to force him to tell him his pick up line. On her way to the bunk she ran in to JC.

"Hey Jensen, what's going on?"

"Not much baby. Can I ask you sumthing?"

"Sure." The two sat down on Jensen's bunk. It's kinda a tight squeeze but they made it work.

"Why does Justin have to be such a jerk to me?"

"Jensen, he's gone through some really tough times lately, just give him a little time."

"You all keep saying that....what kind of tough times?"

"Justin has to be the one that tells you." JC said

"Fine, whatever. I'm gonna be in my bunk if you need me." JC, taking the "little hint" left Jensen on her bed. She slipped her headphones on and popped in her 98 degrees CD and let their kick@ss harmonies flow. She closed her eyes slowly.


"Justin, you have to talk to Jensen." JC said


"She's convinced you hate her."

"I don't hate's just that I'm not over it yet."

"That doesn't mean you can't apologize."

"Fine JC. If it will make you feel better, I'll talk to her."


She was daydreaming about him again. Justin was such a jerk, but whenever she saw him she felt weak. A soft caress on her cheek made her open her eyes.....and there was Justin.


"Hiya." she replied

"I think we need to talk about some stuff."

"Yeah, we do."

"May I?" Justin motioned toward her bunk. Jensen nodded her head and Justin climbed in and closed the curtain. The two were just inches apart. There was a moment of awkward silence before Justin spoke.

"Listen, I have been a total jerk this week. I just had a really bad day when you crashed into the bus, and that was just icing on the cake. I had no right to take it out on you and I'm sorry."

"It's ok Justin. If you don't mind my asking.... why were you having a bad day?"

"My girlfriend Melanie of six months and I broke up, my dog got hit by a car, and I jammed my bad thumb during a rehearsal. It was just one of those days that seem like they never end......"

"I'm so sorry Justin. I've had many days like that. But the thing to remember is that the next day has to be better." Jensen smiled at him and touched his hand.

"So, we're fine, right?" Justin asked, his face inching closer to Jensen's.

"Oh yeah, you're more than fine." Jensen sighed. Justin burst out laughing and Jensen covered her face in embarrassment " I can't believe I just said that."

"It's ok, it was cute." he leaned over and kissed her nose. Jensen smiled. The two of them continued talking like they were best friends in Jensen's bunk.


What the hell! Justin walks in there says he's sorry and all those times he was a jerk to her disappear {a thump followed by some giggling is heard} and here I am, once again everyone's good old friend JC. This really bites.

"Maybe you should tell her how you feel." said Chris as he sat next to JC interrupting his thoughts.

"What? How did you know?"

"Dude, I didn't major in psychology cause I liked the name....although it is kinda cool. I'm the sh*t at mental and emotional problems. Ask me for advice!"

" that's ok. I think I know how to deal with this on my own." JC said

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