Tyler arrived at the house about 20 minutes later and rang the doorbell. When no one answered she went into the back. She immediately picked out Lance sitting on a towel watching the water. Tyler slowly snuck up behind him.

"Hey sexy." She purred in his ear. Lance gave Tyler a smile and patted the sand next to him.

"I'm glad you're here." Lance said

"Me too. It's such a beautiful day, I couldn't imagine spending it any other way."

"I know. Hey come here, I want you to meet everybody." Lance grabbed her hand and took her to the shoreline, "Hold on a sec....CHRIS....JOEY....come here and meet Tyler!" Lance yelled

"You didn't have to do that. They can meet me later." Tyler said

"No, they've been waiting to meet you."

"Hi, you must be Tyler. I'm Joey." Joey said breathlessly as he extended his and hand to her. She shook it firmly.

"I'm Chris." Chris said as he shook his dreds spraying water all over Lance and Tyler "AHHHH, you freak!" Lance yelled at Chris. Tyler giggled.

"Glad to meet you Tyler." Chris grabbed her hand and shook it hard, "Race you to the waves Superjoe!" he yelled

"You're on dude." and the two took off running toward the water.

"They seem nice." Tyler said

"Oh they're nice, just a little scary."

Then the two made their way over to where Mariah and Jensen were burying Justin and JC in the sand.

"Hey Lansten. This must be Tyler, the girl we've been hearing so much about." JC said as he offered a smile to her, "I'm JC."

"....and I'm his girlfriend Jensen."

"Nice to meet you both." Tyler replied

"I'm Mariah...and that lump of sand with the blonde curls is my boyfriend Justin."

"That's cute." Tyler laughed.

"Hey Lance, you should get Tyler to bury you in the sand. It's kinda erotic in a weird sort of way."

"Damn, you're a freakin porn star dude," Mariah exclaimed, "are you ever not horny?"

"Ummm...." was the reply from the mound of sand

After a pause. "Well, Lance, since everyone else is having so much you wanna join in?" Tyler asks

"Sure, why not." Lance lays down on the sand and Tyler begins to bury him. Thus starts an afternoon of fun in the sun.


After several hours of playing on the beach, they group decided to go inside. Tyler had brought an outfit to change into for her and Lance's date and went into the bathroom to change. Lance went upstairs to change as well. The rest of the crew was lounging on various furniture in the living room.

"I think Lance and Tyler make a cute couple, don't you?" Mariah said to no one in particular "Oh yeah. She's such a sweetie." agreed Jensen

"I like her too, plus she seems to make Lance happy." JC added

"But what about the big dude....what's his name again?" Justin asked

"Jason. Yeah he could be a problem. Did Lance tell you guys about their little confrontation?"

"No! What happened?" asked Joey

"Well, apparently Jason is Tyler's ex-boyfriend and he wants the two of them to get back together." JC said

"What does Tyler want?" Chris asked

"She told Lance she wants to be with him, " JC said, "but Jason threatened Lance and told him to stay away from Tyler."

"Whoa. Scoop better watch his back. I saw this Jason guy and he looked pretty screwed up." Justin said

"You're right, he is screwed up. I have no idea what possessed me to go out with him in the first place." Tyler said as she walked into the room

"Sorry we were talking about you behind you back, Tyler. We're just concerned about you and Lance, that's all." Jensen said

"That's sweet. But don't worry, I seriously doubt Jason would do anything serious."

The group looked at eachother with concerned expressions after that comment. But, no one had the chance to respond because Lance walked into the room.

"Ready to go gorgeous?" Lance asked as he walked up to Tyler and put his hand on the small of her back.

"Absolutely. Bye guys." she said with a small wave.

"Bye Tyler." the group chorused. Lance gave the guys a thumbs up sign and followed Tyler out the door.

The group heaved a collective sigh.

"What are we gonna do?" Justin wondered out loud

* * * * *