Tyler and Lance jumped into his new black Lexus and speed onto the highway.

"What do you feel like for dinner?" Lance asked

"Ummm, how about some Chinese?" Tyler answered

"Sounds good." he smiles and places his hand on her knee as they continue driving


The rest of the group decided to stay home and order in some pizza. They also rented the movie Austin Powers. {Groovy baby, yeah!} "This movie is so brainless!" Jensen exclaimed

"I know. That's why I love it so much. Absolutely zero thought is involved in watching it." Chris says as he reached for another slice of pepperoni

"I hope Lance and Tyler are ok. That Jason guy sounds like a real bastard." JC sighed

"He's a big boy now. I'm sure he can take care of himself." Justin teased

"I hope your right."


"That was the best Chinese food I've ever eaten," Tyler said, "and the movie was awesome!"

"I'm glad you had a good time. I did too. I hope this means you're interested in going out again." Lance added hopefully

"Absolutely. But right now I'm exhausted. Could you take me home now?"

"Sure Ty."

The two get back into Lance's Lexus and make their way back into town. They pull up at Tyler's door in what seems to have been 2 minutes.

"I just want to say thanks for a great time tonite." Tyler said

"No problem. Here let me walk you to the door."


Lance and Tyler hold hands as they walk up to her porch. Once there, Lance gives her a small kiss.

"Ummm, excuse me?" Tyler asks as Lance turns to walk back to the car


"That was a cheap kiss."

"Oh, so sorry my lady." Lance apologized and then gave her the deep passionate kiss Tyler had been yearning for all night long.

"See, now that was a kiss."

"I'll be sure to remember for future use." Lance chuckled

"You better. Night Lance."

"Night Ty." Lance turned around and walked back to his car while Tyler put the key to her door in the lock and went inside.


Once inside Tyler threw her keys on the table and hung her jacket on the racket. When she walked into her living room she stopped dead in her tracks, paralyzed in fear.

"You slut. You think I wouldn't notice if you were with another man." Jason snarled

"Jason, we're not together anymore. I can see anyone I want to." Tyler said, internally begging not to lose her composure.

"I love you Tyler, and you betrayed me with some freakin' assh*le you met at a party. I warned him Tyler to stay out of our lives, but he didn't listen, and now you're gonna have to pay the price."

"No, Jason, you don't want to do"

"Shut up ho. You're gonna give me what I want!" Jason yelled

Jason grabbed Tyler by the shoulders and threw her on the couch. She struggled beneath him to get away and he slapped her across the face. She screamed. Jason seemed to take pleasure in that and smiled evilly at her. Then he began to rip off her clothes as Tyler sobbed under him, trying to get away.....


"....and all the girlies say I'm pretty fly for a white guy." Lance sang along with his Offspring CD.

Lance leaned forward to turn up the volume when he noticed Tyler's purse on the floor.

"Uh oh. Ty left this here. I better bring it to her."

Lance did a quick U-turn and headed back in the opposite direction toward Tyler's house.

* * * * *