Lance made his way up to the porch clutching her purse in his hand. His finger was poised over the doorbell, about to ring it, when he heard a crash and screams from inside Tyler's house. Lance grabbed the doorknob, luckily the door was unlocked, and burst inside.

"Tyler, what's going on here?" Lance yelled into the house...then he saw Jason over Tyler

"You have no business her blondie." Jason snarled

"Like hell I don't. Get the f*ck away from her."

"Make me pretty boy."

Jason leapt up from the couch and lunged at Lance. The two began throwing punches at eachother. Tyler, slowly made her way towards the phone and dialed 911. When Jason saw her at the phone he rushed over to her and before Lance could stop him, Jason slapped her hard across the face. Tyler's head hit the table the phone was on and she slumped to the floor. Lance tried to get to Tyler but Jason held him back. Jason turned Lance around and hit him squarely in the jaw. Lance was dazed for a moment, but was able to stay focused. Lance kneed Jason, where it hurts the most, and Jason keeled over in pain. Lance rushed over to tend to Tyler. Police sirens could be heard in the distance. Lance cradled the unconscious Tyler in his arms.

"It'll be ok baby. It's over now." Lance whispered


"Lance are you ok? Where are you?" asked JC

"I think so. I'm at the hospital...."

JC gasped, "What the hell happened?"

Lance told JC the whole story. Then he told JC he was spending the night at the hospital with Tyler to make sure she was ok.

"Ok Lance. Call us if you need us."

"All right. Don't worry JC, it's gonna be ok."

"Where's that bastard, Jason, anyway?"

"Oh, well after the cops showed up, they arrested him for assault and attempted rape."

"Whoa, that's some scary sh*t."

"Damn straight. I'm just glad I came back. I mean when I think about what would have happened......"

"Don't think about that, Lance. Go be with Tyler now. She needs you."

"Ok. Bye JC."

"Bye Lance."


Lance hung up the pay phone and made his way down the hospital corridor to Tyler's room. She lay there, barely conscious, with a large gash on her forehead. She looked so small, so fragile, so tired, not like the Tyler he had spent his whole day with. Lance pulled up a chair besides Tyler and took her hand.

"Hi Ty. How are you feeling?"

"Like crap. What did that jerk do to you? Are you ok." Tyler glanced at Lance's swollen jaw and black eye

"Don't worry. I'll be fine, just have a little shiner for a while. Jason is the one that has to worry."


"The police arrested him. You'll never have to worry about that bastard again."

"Oh thank God. Lance, how can I ever forgive you?" Tyler asked with tears in her eyes

"Just promise to be happy again.....preferably with me by your side."

"Lance, I can't think of anything I'd rather do than be with you."

Lance smiled at her and kissed her lightly on the lips. Then he feather-kissed her eyelids.

"Go to sleep my angel. We have the whole rest of our lives to be together." Lance squeezed her hand tightly and Tyler smiled back at him. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

* * * * *