"Ty are you ready yet?" Lance yelled up the staircase of her house

"Almost baby, don't you want me to look sexy for you?" she yelled back

"Of course, but we're gonna miss our flight."

Tyler and Lance were celebrating their one month anniversary. Lance was taking Tyler on a weekend getaway trip to a secluded cabin in Maine.

"How do I look?" Tyler asked as she came down the stairs

"Absolutely ravishing. Can we go now?" Lance begged grabbing her hand

"My my my, aren't we in a rush. Are you in that much of a hurry to get me alone?" Tyler asked

"Hell yeah." Lance gave her a sexy smile that picked up her bag and the two made their way to the airport.


Jensen was reading a book in her room when Josh came in.

"Hey gorgeous." Jensen greeted him

"Hi honey. Lance just called me from the airport. Apparently he took Tyler to Maine for their anniversary."

"That's cute."



"What are you going to do now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you're supposed to start college in a week......."

"Josh wait." Jensen interrupted

"No, wait let me talk then you tell me what you decide. I'm in love with you. To be without you will be unbearable. I know you were supposed to go to college, but I'm begging you to stay and go on tour with me. I don't want to pressure you, but it's so hard not to.....I need you. But, if you feel like you have to go, I will support you. We'd just have to work really hard to stay together." Josh let out the breath he'd been holding in

"Baby, of course I'll stay with you! I was just about to tell you that I already put off going to school for another semester because I wasn't prepared to go to school in a week. It's already settled with my parents. I was actually trying to figure out a way to ask you if I could stay."

"Oh Jensen, you just made me the happiest man alive." Josh said with a grin

"I think I know of a way to make you happier...." Jensen said with a sly smile.

"Oh, I know you do." Josh growled as he leaned over and gave her a passionate kiss.


"What do you want for dinner, Curly?" Mariah asked him

"Whatever honey." Justin answered

The couple was hanging out at Mariah's apartment in an attempt to have some time alone.

"I'm thinking I don't wanna cook. Let's order in. How about some pizza?"

"Sounds good sweetie." Justin replied noncommittally

"Justin, what's wrong? You seem so spaced."

"I'm just thinking about us."

"What's wrong with us?"

"Nothing. That's the problem."

"I don't understand." Mariah asked as she sat down on the couch next to Justin

"I'm worried about what's gonna happen when I have to go on tour again. It's no like I can ask you to drop your whole life here and come on tour, so I'll have to be satisfied with phone calls and visits." Justin sighed, took Mariah's hands in his and looked into her eyes.

"What can't you ask me?" Mariah asked

"What?" Justin asked confused

"Why can't you ask me to go on tour with you?"

"Because you have a life here."

"You think being a candy-stripper and a college student is a great life? It's pretty damn boring in my view. You make me happy, and besides, I'm due for a vacation."

"What are you saying?" Justin asked

"Are you that dense hunny.....has that hair dye soaked into your brain? I'm asking you if your offer for me to go on tour with you is still on the table."

"Hell yeah!" Justin exclaimed.

"Then, I'm coming." Mariah said smiling at Justin's exuberance

Justin picked Mariah up into his strong arms and carried her toward the stairs.

"What about the pizza?" Mariah asked innocently

Justin laughed and continued up the stairs, "I'm only hungry for you right now."

* * * * *