"Lance, look at this place! It's beautiful!" Tyler exclaimed as they walked through the doorway of the cabin "Glad you like it."

"I love it."

"Good. Tyler I asked you to come up here for another reason besides our anniversary."

"To f*ck me, right?" Tyler said bluntly

"Umm. well....," Lance stammered, flustered by Tyler's statement, "Actually I had another reason in mind."

"Oh." Tyler said as a look of disappointment passed over her face

"Umm, see I am happier with you than I have ever been in my life, and I don't want it to end."

"Well, I'm not going anywhere fast."

"I know, but I'm going on tour soon....and I don't want to lose you. So, I was kinda wondering if you would come on tour with me."

"Of course Lance!" Tyler jumped up and gave Lance a hug

"I love you." Lance said looking deeply in her eyes.

"Ok, so now that we did what you wanted to do, it's my turn."

Tyler led Lance to the bedroom. She pushed him gently on the bed. Then she proceeded to unbutton his shirt while Lance placed kisses up and down her neck. "Talk to me." Tyler commanded

"Talk?" Lance said obviously confused

"Oh yeah. You're voice is so deep and sexy. It's a huge turn on."

"Then, your wish is my command."

While Tyler continued to unbutton Lance's shirt, he nibbled on her ear and whispered sweet things to her. After Tyler did away with his shirt she straddled him and began placing kisses on his chest. She began at the top near his strong shoulders. Then she reached his nipples where she swirled her tongue around them, until they became hard. Then resumed kissing his chest, leaving a moist trail as she followed the line of dark hair near his navel. Then she undid his jeans and slowly unzipped them. She pulled them off his legs along with his shoes and socks, so that he lay there only in his boxers. Then she continued kissing him from where she left off. As she moved lower and lower she removed his boxers and kissed him down his hard length. She held his erection in her hand and massaged it gently. Lance began to groan and shudder.

"Whoa slow down honey. I'm gonna lose control real quick and you still have your clothes on!" Lance exclaimed

"I think you can remedy that problem, can't you?" Tyler said in a sultry voice

"It would be my pleasure."

Lance laid Tyler down and he began the same beautifully torturous treatment that she gave him. He made quick work of her blouse and landed in a heap on the floor next to his clothes. Then he released the clasp on her bra and threw that aside as well. Then Lance cupped Tyler's breasts in his has. He rubbed them with his fingers slowly until her nipples peaked. Then he took her right nipple in his mouth and sucked on it until she began to squirm beneath him. Then he took the left nipple in his mouth and gave it the same pleasure. Then he kissed his way down her chest, resting a while on her flat stomach. Then Lance moved lower, taking off her jeans and panties as well. Then he spread Tyler's legs apart so that she revealed her womanhood to him. He began to explore her with his tongue until she cried out that she couldn't wait any longer. Lance grabbed the condom from his jeans pocket and placed it on his pulsing erection. Lance than laid on top of Tyler and thrust himself into her and she scratched her nails down his back. They both reached their climaxes together in a moment of blinding passion and pleasure. Then the two collapsed against the bed in contentment.

"I love you Ty." Lance breathed into her ear

"I love you too, Lance." Tyler gave his lips a light kiss and cuddled up next to him. The two fell asleep in each others arms.

* * * * *