Justin smiled as he left Jensen's bunk and made his way into the kitchen for a lil snack. He still hadn't told Jensen the whole truth, but that sh*t could wait. He knew he wasn't ready for a relationship right now, especially after how Melanie had treated him, but Justin knew that he couldn't deny his growing feelings for Jensen for forever and if he ever wanted anything serious to develop between him and Jensen, she would need to know everything that had happened.

Jensen tip-toed quietly behind Justin and slowly placed her hands on his hips and whispered in his ear Lance's nasty pick-up line he had told her earlier that day.

"Whoa girlie! Where'd you learn that one?" Justin asked as he turned around to face Jensen

"You won't believe this but Lance told me that one."

"Dude, the albino must be getting some action and not telling us about it." Justin laughed and walked over to the fridge and pulled out the milk and grabbed a glass from the counter. He took a big swig and then looked over at Jensen. She started cracking up.

"Curly, you've got a moo juice mustache!" Embarrassed Justin reached up to wipe it away but Jensen stopped grabbed his hand. She came closer and gently wiped off the milk with her index finger. Justin took her finger to his mouth and kissed it. Jensen blushed and smiled.

"JC, get me some goldfishes while you're in there would ya?" yelled Lance

"Sure scoop." JC replied as he walked into the kitchen. His mouth dropped to the floor when he saw Jensen and Justin in a tight embrace.

"Hi Josh." said Jensen as she slowly stepped away from Justin looking flustered.

"Yeah, um, hi JC."

"Just need some water....and fish for Lance, then I'm out of your way. Wouldn't want to disturb you lovebirds." JC snidely remarked. He grabbed the goldfish, slammed the cabinet and stomped out of the room.

"Whoa, what was that all about?" asked Justin

"I have no clue." said Jensen


".....and there they are, practically making out in the kitchen. I'm too late dude. What is it about Justin that the ladies love? He acts like a jerk, says he's sorry, then he freakin scores. Me, I am sweet and charming the whole damn time and get sh*t!" yelled JC

"It's the curly hair JC." joked Chris

"What is?"

"That's what makes girls so crazy for him. Whatever. Anyway, I hate to say this JC but maybe you should backoff a little. See if Justin and Jensen are getting together. If you confess your feelings and she's into Justin, this will be one sh*tty summer for you."

"No sh*t. But if I don't say anything, I have to watch them together and I will still have a sh*tty summer."

"What are you gonna do about it?"

"Try to stay as far away from them as possible."

* * * * *