"Who's up for a lil clubbing tonite?" Justin asked. He smiled at Jensen and squeezed her knee. She put her hand on top of his.

"Oh yeah.....I want to try out the new pick-up line that Lance taught me yesterday." yelled Chris

"AHHHHH! You know it too! Why won't anyone tell me?" whined Joey

"We don't want to corrupt your fragile mind Joey." Jensen said as she smiled sweetly at him

"Whatever.....clubbing sounds good. JC, you in? You look like you could use a lil alcohol." said Joey

"Yeah, I'll come." JC said As long as I am far away from Jensen and Justin, he thought. JC couldn't stand being near them when they were all over eachother.

"Should we try the new club on Salem Street?" asked Lance

"I'm up for that yo! Let's go." yelled Justin


Once the group arrived at the club everyone went their own separate ways. Chris and Joey headed straight for a group of ladies, Lance went out on the dance floor and JC sat down on a bar stool and started loading up. Justin and Jensen made their way to the dance floor. They were getting their groove thangs on majorly....{"You're dancing real're going real're making it hard for me!"}

"Whoa Justin, should we sit down or something?" asked Jensen. She worked very hard to keep a straight face as she looked into Justin's was kinda obvious that Justin was, well, excited.

"Yeah, maybe that's a good idea." Justin grabbed Jensen by the waist and held her in front of him as they made their way to a table.


"So baby my name is Chris, what's yours?"


"Lexi, can I tell you a secret?"

"I suppose....." Chris leaned over and whispered Lance's pick up line in her ear.....

"F*ck off loser." Lexi cried and she smacked him upside


"Filler up...up high up up." JC mumbled. The group had only been at the club for about two hours and JC was pretty close to plastered.

"JC, maybe you should stop. We've got a concert in two days and rehearsal with a hangover sucks @ss." said Joey who had sat down next to him.

"Go away superman..." JC said as he grabbed his newly filled drink. Joey shrugged his shoulders and left in search of a lady friend.


Within the next hour Joey and Chris had picked up some ladies and had left the bar with them. Justin and Jensen were back on the dance floor and JC was still at the bar. Lance was in the bathroom feeling very ill. Lance came out of the bathroom five minutes later and he knew he was done for the night. He walked over to JC to see if he would take him home, but changed his path when he saw how smashed he was. Lance hated to interrupt Justin and Jensen....especially when the looked so, ummmmm, close. But Lance was feeling like sh*t and knew he needed to go home.

Lance tapped Justin on the shoulder who turned around and gave Lance a very perturbed look, "Justin, can you take me home? I feel like crap on a stick."

"Sure, we'll take you home. Just as soon as this song is over." answered Justin

"Maybe one of you should make sure JC gets home alright. He's bombed." Lance said

"It's ok baby. You take Lance back and I'll make sure JC gets home." said Jensen

"Sure honey." Justin leaned over and gave her a deep kiss and slowly released her. Lance and Justin walked out of the club together as Jensen made her way towards the drunken JC.

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