JC was completely smashed. He was resting his throbbing head in his hands on the bar. A half empty, warm beer was next to him. He was talking to no one in particular when Jensen walked up.

"Josh, I think it's time to go. The weather looks pretty nasty outside and I don't want to catch a cab in the rain."

"Naw,, you {his speech slurred} go wifout me. I'm a big boy." JC gave her a wide grin before he laid his had back down on the bar.

"No way dude...there's no way in hell that I'm leaving you like this."

"Okdoke Jensen....but first lemme finish my beer." JC grabbed the bottle and finished the flat brown liquid in one swig...."Ok, I'm ready now."

JC stumbled to his feet and the to made it as far as the dance floor when JC started to sway. Jensen caught him in the nick of time. She had to practically drag him outside. By that time the wind was swirling and it was pouring rain. Jensen had a feeling that not too many cabs would be out tonite. Across the street from the bar was a hotel. Very carefully Jensen lead JC across the road and got a room at the hotel. The two went upstairs and she guided JC over to the bed where he immediately passed out. Jensen turned on the TV where a serious tornado watch was in effect. The weatherman suggested avoiding going out at all costs.

"Well, I guess we'll be staying here tonite." sighed Jensen


After calling Justin and letting him know where they were, Jensen made her way over to the bed where JC lay....she felt something stir inside her, but she quickly banished her thoughts.....she was supposed to have feelings for Justin, and ONLY Justin. Jensen reached over and took of JC's shoes and socks. Then, hesitantly she reached for the buttons of his shirt. Slowly, as not to wake him, she took of his shirt. Then she unzipped his jeans. He lay there only in his boxers. Once again Jensen felt something inside her, and like before she denied it. She gently tucked JC under the covers and kissed his forehead. As she turned to walk away she heard him stir and then groan.

"Josh, are you ok?"


"What?!?" she gasped in shock. Jensen was met only by silence.

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