Jensen sat down on the sofa in the other room and put her head in her hands. She rocked back and forth. Maybe Josh only said that because he was wasted and didn't know what he was saying...or maybe he really meant it. Why did it matter to her so much anyway? She was with Justin. She belonged with him, right? She needed to sort out her feelings. She pulled her pocket journal out of her purse and opened it to the next blank page. After an hour of pouring out her feelings onto paper she realized she had feelings for two men....the question was, who did she love? Did she love JC or love him as a friend? Did she love Justin or were her feelings pure lust?

"Oh God...what do I do?" she whispered into the dark.


Justin twisted wildly in his sheets. In his dream he was waiting patiently for her on his bed. He was wearing nothing but boxers. Then, she walked in. Jensen was a vision of beauty. She had on a peach, long, sleeveless, silk gown, that swished against the ground with every move she made. She crossed over to him and put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him down onto the bed. Then, slowly she began to kiss him.....and caress him. Her lips and fingers went everywhere.....they never seemed to stop. Jensen tore off Justin's shorts and he pulled her gown over her head. As they moved together faster and faster Justin began to ache, he knew he didn't have the strength to wait much longer...

"BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!" the insistent beep of Justin's alarm clock woke him with a start.

He was sweating and his sheets were drenched. That dream had been one of the most erotic experiences of his life. The ironic thing is that he slept through it. Justin knew that he wanted Jensen....there was no denying it. He also knew that before anything could happen, he needed to tell her about Melanie. He needed to tell her how she had almost ruined his life. Justin decided he would tell her when she and JC got back from the hotel about how Melanie had tried to get herself pregnant with his child.


"Oh God, my head. What the hell did I do to myself last night?" JC groaned as he slowly rolled out of bed. He quickly realized that he was only in his boxers... "OH MY GOD....Hello, is anyone here?" he cried. JC was in a panic....did he do something with someone????

JC walked out of the bedroom and came to a complete stop. There on the couch in front of him was his angel. She was laying across the sofa with a notebook and pen clutched to her chest. JC was immediately curious. He was about to reach over and get a better look when Jensen woke up. She stared at JC, him standing there only in his boxers, and looking mighty fine too, and couldn't say anything.

"Good morning Jensen. I'm assuming you brought me here last night."

"Yeah, you were pretty trashed. I tried to get a cab, but the weather was so nasty out that it was safer to spend the night here. How are you feeling?"

"Like Ricky Martin is doing the dance to "La Vida Loca" on my head. Rehearsal is gonna be a b*tch today. Do you have any Advil with you?"

"Hold on, lemme check." Jensen opened up her purse and gave him the medicine

"I'm gonna take these then jump in the shower. After you take a shower too, we can head on back and meet up with the guys, sound ok to you?" asked JC

"Sure Josh, whatever."

JC left the room leaving Jensen alone. She looked at her journal in her hand. She thanked God who had been looking down on her. If she hadn't woken up and Josh had seen what she had written....

* * * * *