Jensen and JC were lost in their own worlds on the drive to meet the rest of the guys at their hotel. The one question nagging Jensen was if JC remembered telling her that he loved her last seemed as if JC was clueless and had no idea what had happened last night. Maybe it was better that way....


"JC, Jensen.....we thought you two ran off together or something. Did it take you a while to grab a cab?" questioned Lance and JC and Jensen walked into the hotel room

"Yeah...we hit a bad traffic jam on the way here." answered JC

"Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we've got practice in half an hour...we'd better get going. Jensen, wanna tag along?" asked Joey

"Sure, why not. I love seeing you guys in action." Jensen replied.

"Oh haven't seen me in action yet!" Justin murmured suggestively in Jensen's ear as he wrapped his arm around his waist. Jensen gently pushed him away.

"Can you wait ten minutes guys.....I need to get into some clean clothes." Jensen said

"Sure." chorused the guys.

Jensen quickly changed into a clean pair of jeans and a t-shirt. She was ready for a day of fun and music......something to take her mind of off the feelings she was having for Josh and Justin.

"Alrighty boys, I'm ready."

"Let's roll chicos!" called Chris as they all loaded up into the bus and made their way over to the venue for rehearsal and sound check.


"Justin! Stop it with the pelvic thrusts're gonna freakin throw out your back!" laughed Chris

"Shut up dude." Justin hissed

The guys had been rehearsing for over an hour and it was obvious that Justin was trying to impress Jensen with his smooth dance moves. Jensen had to admit he was amazing. Maybe he was a B-BOY in another life.

"Ok guys, let's do "I Want You Back"." yelled JC. His voice brought Jensen out of her trance and she snapped her head up.

She became mesmerized by their talents once again. But this time, she was gaping at Josh. He had some pretty hot moves when he got down to it. Plus, his voice made her melt. Jensen shook her head and promised herself to think about the music...not the boys making it.


"Ok ya'll, let's take five." Justin called as he collapsed on stage.

"Sounds good to me." agreed Lance

"What other songs do you still need to practice?" asked Jensen

"Why, bored already?" joked Joey

"No, just curious."

"Ummm....we still gotta do "For The Girl Who Has Everything." said JC coming up behind Jensen

"Ohh, I love that song. It's my fave! I always do the harmony with you {pointing to Josh} at the end of the song when I'm listening to your CD."

"Oh yeah? Wanna sing a lil sumthing for us?" asked JC

"Yeah baby, I'd love to hear you." put in Justin

"No way. I won't sing alone, but maybe with you." Jensen answered.

"Let's hit it boys." said JC.

He gave the beginning pitch and they started singing. They picked it up from the last chorus. Jensen started melding her voice with the boys. Then it came for her harmony part and she did it perfectly. When she was finished she was squealing with excitement. She hadn't told the boys but singing was one of her passions and singing harmony with *N Sync was one of her secret dreams.

"Jensen, that was awesome!" exclaimed Lance

"I didn't know you could sing!" Chris said

"Yeah girlie, you could take Chris's place and no one would notice." laughed Joey {Chris gave him a whack upside}

"Jensen you have a pretty voice. You'll have to sing with us more often." JC said

"I'd love to Josh." she answered

Justin, not to be outdone, leaned over and gave Jensen a deep kiss and said, "I knew you were talented, I just didn't know your gift was in music."

"Oh, I don't want to sing for a career. It's just something I love to do on the side."

"I understand." JC said, "But you'll still jam with us sometimes, right?"

"Of course. I'd be honored too."

"Alright guys, back to work." said their manager who had just walked onto the stage

"See ya later Jensen." said JC. She gave him a little wave and she hopped of the stage and went back to her seat.

"Bye Jensen." called Justin. He blew her a kiss....and she caught it and placed it on her cheek. She smiled meekly at him as he jumped up and went back to rehearsal. Jensen heaved a sigh of relief as she sat down in her seat.

* * * * *

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