That concert went off without a hitch. Now a few weeks later she was standing in wings of another concert, but she wasn't paying attention to the show, she was looking at her men. During the past few weeks she had really connected with Josh. She realized how much they had in common. Everytime she decided to tell Justin that it was over and that she wanted to be with Josh, Justin had seduced her with his sweet words and soft touch. Even though she loved Josh, the sexual attraction between her and Justin was just as strong as ever. She could hardly trust herself around him anymore. But, she loved Josh, and she knew what she had to do.


Joey and Justin were relaxing after the concert in their hotel room.

"Joey, I think I'm gonna tell her tomorrow. I'll take her out to the nicest restaurant in town and I'll tell her about Melanie.....then we'll see how things go."

"Justin, are you sure you're ready for this?"

"Dude, since when are you conservative about sex. I mean you announced to the freakin' world that your wildest fantasy involves a pool of J-ELLO!"

"Justin, I'm trying to be a hypocrite here, I'm just wondering if you and Jensen are ready for this."

"I have to tell Jensen. I love her.......I can't believe I just said that outloud, but I love her, and I want there to be no secrets between us."

"Well, good luck Curly."

"I don't need luck Joey......I need love."


In the hotel room across the hall Chris and JC were talking.

"So, are you gonna tell her or what?" Chris asked

"I just don't know. I mean I feel her growing closer to me, but everytime I think we might have a chance, Justin speeds in and she seems to forget I'm even alive."

"It's the curls, JC."

"Chris, you are no help whatsoever."

"Ok, JC seriously, I think you need to tell Jensen what you're thinking. To me it looks like Jensen and Justin are just having a fling."

"You think?"

"Well, it's not like they spend every second together, and to be quite honest with you, I thought that Jensen was checking you out at the concert tonite."

"Really?" JC asked incredulously


"Ok, I'm gonna tell her tonite!"

"That's my boy. Go shower and make yourself look good for your woman."

"Ok, thanks Chris."

"No problem buddy. Oh and hey, if all else fails, just use Lance's pick-up line on Jensen."

"Lance has a good pick-up line?"

"You haven't heard it yet?"

JC shook his head no. Chris told him. JC's eyes bulged out. He could not believe that Lance had come up with that one.

"Ummm....maybe I won't use that with Jensen." JC stammered

"Yeah, doesn't really work so well. I got smacked when I tried it on some girl at a club."

"You actually tried it!"

"Of course."

"Damn, I must be really desperate if I'm taking love advice from you."

"Shut up dude. Go get ready to meet the woman of your dreams."


Jensen sat alone in the hotel restaurant staring into her cup of coffee. From across the room Lance saw her. He immediately felt bad for her. He knew somthing was up with Jensen, Justin and JC and he wanted to know what it was. "Is this seat taken?" Lance asked coming up behind Jensen

"Ummm, I guess not." Jensen motioned for him to sit down

"What's goin on Jensen. You look a little down."

"I'm just confused."

"Does it have anything to do with Justin and JC."

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"Well, Joey and Justin are off in one room talking and JC and Chris are off in another. I felt kinda left out so I went to find you and get your side of the story."

"Oh Lance.....if I tell you, you have to swear not to say a thing to any of the guys, no matter what."

"Ok, I promise not to tell anyone."

"Lance, it's such a mess....." Jensen started and she proceeded to tell Lance everything. About how she felt about Justin and JC and everything else.

"Wow." Lance breathed

"Yeah, I know. I just wish I knew how Josh and Justin really felt about me."

"Would that help you make your decision on who you want to be with?"

"Yes. If Josh told me he loved me, I would be with him in a heartbeat. But until then, I guess I'll be with Justin."

"You really shouldn't be leading Justin on like that."

"I know, I know......but I like Justin."

"Yeah, but you love JC. You have to tell them."

"Ok, I will. Thanks for listening Poo-Foo."

"Sh*t am I ever gonna live that f*cking dog down?!?" Lance stood up yelled at the top of his lungs. The entire restaurant fell silent. Jensen began giggling uncontrollably and Lance gave her the look of death. "Sorry to disturb you all." he apologized and sat down.

"Sorry Lance."

"It's ok, but the whole Poo-Foo thing is just so annoying...."

"Don't worry, Poo-Foo will never pass through these lips again."

"Yeah, but that will be because your lips will be so busy kissing JC, not because you don't want to annoy me."

Jensen blushed and took a sip of her coffee.

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