After their lil talk Justin and Joey decided to go out and get some food. They asked all the guys if they wanted to come and everyone but JC decided to go. Jensen had seemed to disappear on the face of the planet after she had met up with Lance in the restaurant so the guys left without her. A few minutes after the guys left she arrived back at the hotel. She had needed some air and had taken a long walk alone. She felt brave enough to tell Josh how she felt. She made her way up to the hotel room and knocked on the door.

"Come on in.....did you guys forget something?" asked JC. He stopped short when he saw it was Jensen

"It's just me. Where did the guys go?" Jensen had to concentrate to keep her composure, it was hard to concentrate around him. He had that just showered/flushed/sexy look and he smelled like heaven. Jensen sat down on the couch and took off her jacket.

"They guys went out to eat. They couldn't find you so they just left."

"Why didn't you go?"

"I was waiting for you."

"You were?" Jensen swallowed hard.

"Yes. Jensen I need to tell you something that has been on my mind for weeks now."

"Ok, sit down." Josh sat next to her. He looked at her and Jensen thought she would lose herself in his eyes and never find her way out......not that she would want to get out anyway.

"I have feelings for you Jensen."

"I have feelings for you too, Josh."

"No, you don't understand. I have more than friendship feelings for you. I think I'm in love with you."

Jensen's only response was to drop her jaw in shock. So, he really meant it when he said he loved me that night he was drunk, Jensen thought.

Josh continued, "......I've never felt the way I feel about you with anyone before. It's like we have this unbreakable connection. I need you Jensen." Josh looked at her with pure love and some desperation in his eyes.

"Josh, I love you too. It took a while to admit it to myself, but I know that you and I are meant to be together."

"Oh my God Jensen, you have just made me the happiest man alive!" Josh exclaimed

Josh leaned over and kissed Jensen slowly. Jensen groaned against his lips and began to run her fingers through his still damp hair. Josh began to place kisses all over Jensen's face and then her neck. Then he went back to her mouth. He licked her lips and then proceeded to kiss her passionately. Their tongues met and did their own provocative dance of love. Josh gently pulled away from Jensen panting.

"Jensen are you ready for this?"

"Josh, I've waited my whole life to make love to my soul mate."

Josh smiled and picked her up off of the couch and headed towards the bed. He carefully laid her down and just looked at her. Jensen became anxious and pulled him down next to her. Then things became very heated. Jensen pulled Josh's shirt out of his pants and began to unbutton it. She pushed it off of his shoulders and began to place kisses across his chest. She pushed him onto the bed and straddled him. She left no inch of him untouched. She gently scratched her nails over his nipples and he writhed beneath her. Josh began to unbutton her blouse as well. It soon came off, followed closely by her bra. He cupped her breasts and began to massage them in his palms. Jensen groaned in pleasure and arched her back. Then Jensen unzipped Josh's jeans and pulled them off. Josh followed in suit by taking of Jensen's pants and then by taking off her panties with his teeth. Jensen then turned her attention to the rapidly growing bulge in Josh's briefs. She painstakingly removed his underwear. Then she held Josh's manhood in her hand. She reached over to the nightstand and found what she was looking for. She unrolled the condom onto him and fell on top of Josh. They began to move together as if they were dancing to their own secret song. They each reached their climaxes together and screamed out eachother's names in ecstasy. They collapsed next to eachother exhausted, flushed and happy.

"I love you Josh."

"I love you too Jensen."

Suddenly Jensen stiffened next to Josh.

"What's wrong baby?"


* * * * *