As Paige Watkins walked down the halls of her high school, Firestone, she stopped walking and a few people who weren’t paying attention ran into her. She had suddenly realized that she had volleyball practice right after school.

"Oh my GOD! What am I gonna do?? I forgot my stuff at home again, coach is gonna kill me!!" she shouted. A few people looked at her but she didn’t notice.

"Piggy, what’s wrong now?" her friend Andrea Hennesy joked.

"Nothing, except the new v-ball coach will have my head since I forgot my clothes at home again," she explained.

"Oh. Hey! I forgot to tell you, guess who asked where you were yesterday?" Andrea asked.

"Drea, I don’t like him. Anymore. That’s all I’m gonna say. I hate him now, all he ever does is criticize me, so why should I still like him?"

"Oh, come on, Piggy. Everyone knows that you still wanna go out with him. Even if you guys have broken up, everyone is saying that you and Jake will be back together by the end of the month," Drea blurted out.

"Drea, my ass. No way will we get back together, even if it takes 6 months, we still won’t. He doesn’t like me, even if he acts like it," Paige protested.

"Ok, so say I have new evidence that he still likes you. Loves you is more the right word, but let’s not go there right now. Anyway, I, by complete chance I tell you, happened to overhear him saying how much he has missed you these few months after you guys broke up. Then he saw me listening and told me not to tell you, and I told him I wouldn’t - -"

"But you did anyway," Paige interrupted.

"Yeah, but you’re my best friend, so how can I not? Anyway, I told him I wouldn’t tell you and then he asked me where you were, I told him you were absent, the rest is history. My guess is, the only reason that he was criticizing you was because he thought that if he did that, he wouldn’t miss you as much," Drea looked at Paige with the most triumphant look.

"Ugh, ok, ok so maybe he DOES still like me, but even if he did ask me out, I don’t think I’d say yes."

"And why not? Look at him, he’s one of the most popular guys in school, your one of the most popular girls in school, and plus, he’s really hot. Everything you need is there, including the fact that you both have a past that you wish wasn’t the past, but rather the present," once again, Drea looked very proud of herself for figuring all this out.

Just as Paige was about to protest again, the 6th period bell rang, signalizing that it was time for Paige to go the History and Drea to go to English.

"See ya, Dre!"

"Bye, Piggy!"

Untitled Story
Let's Get 'N Fanfiction