At the end of the day, Piggy was less stressed. Volleyball practice had been canceled because the coach went home sick and also because Jake had been a shit to her in the hallway. She didn’t want to admit this, but the only reason Jake had reacted that way towards him was because he had a freshman hanging off him and wasn’t very happy about it. Piggy, Drea, and Jake were all juniors in Firestone and were the among the most respected of all the students there. This was because of the many charitable events they had volunteered for. They were popular, but they preferred to use their popularity for a good cause, instead of taking advantage of it in bad ways. People like Priscilla and her boyfriend, Jon, were popular, and they knew it and used it.

When Piggy finally got home, she sat down on the couch and started watching T.V because she needed to relax. She flipped through the channels until reaching MTV. TRL was on and they had "special guests" today. The catch was, the were mystery guests, so no one knew who it was. Some were hoping it would be Limp Bizket or Blink-182, others wanted the guests to be BSB or NSYNC. When it was finally time for the "mystery guests" to be announced, TRL made it suspenseful for all it’s watchers.

"The special guest today is……………………NSYNC!!" Carson Daly announced and got all mock-excited, imitating all the screaming fans in the studio.

"Well, well, well, guess who it is," Piggy said to herself. "I think I’ll call Celia and let her know that they’re on. She probably already knows, since she’s been watching all day. Poor thing, she’s sick AGAIN."

So Piggy called another friend of hers, Celia, who had been absent that day, to let her know that NSYNC, Celia’s favorite band, was on TRL.

"Hey Celia! Are you watching TRL? No? You should be, girl, cause NSYNC is on!!! And guess what………they’re giving away tickets to go see the concert of your choice!!! You gonna call in? The number is 1-888-311-4243. Oh, really? You can’t call in? No, I will NOT call in for you. No. Oh, fine, make me feel sorry for you. I better not win. Ok, I’ll get off and call now. Yes, right now. Bye!" Piggy ended her conversation with Celia and called MTV’s number the second she was off.

Oh my God, it’s ringing. Please don’t let me win. PLEASE!

"Hi, Carson Daly. Who is this?" she heard a masculine voice answer the phone.

SH*t, I won, didn’t I? Oh, crap. God, I prayed that I wouldn’t win, and here you are, letting me down!

"Um, hi, my name is Paige and I’m from New York. Did I win??" she asked cautiously.

"Paige from New York, you better decide which NSYNC concert you wanna go to cause you won!" Carson said.

"OH MY GOD!!! I WON!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!" she faked excitement.

"What part of the Big Apple are from?" he asked.

"I’m from Albany." She responded.

"Alright then, if you stay on the line, we’ll get everything set up for you. Well, that’s it. The contest winner is Paige from Albany, New York, and we’ll be right back," Carson said.

After Paige got everything set up, she called Celia back.

"Yeah, Celia, I won! Can you believe it? Who are ya gonna take? No, I don’t really wanna go. Yes, I know I’ll get to meet NSYNC but I still don’t wanna go. I know I called for you and all that, but…ok, when you put it that way I just can’t say no. I would feel horrible after that. I got tickets for the concert on this Friday night. Yes, this Friday. Ok, well, call me if you have a problem and I’m sure I’ll see you tomorrow in school. K, see ya. Bye," Piggy got off the phone with Celia and called Drea.

"Drea, listen to this freaky story that just happened to me. Yeah I was watchin’ TRL. Yep, a Paige from Albany won the contest. That was me, Drea. Celia convinced me to call in for her and I won on the first try. I’m serious! Ok, well, I’m busy on Friday now, cause Celia said I should go with her since I called for her an all. She made it seem that if I didn’t go with her that she would be really depressed and feel bad about it. So I’m going now, I guess. Yeah I know, I got to meet NSYNC. I don’t really wanna go but I am now. I don’t think it will be too bad either. Yeah? Ok, I’ll talk to you later then. In fact, call me back after you mom gets off the phone, ok? Ok. See ya later then. Bye," Piggy got off the phone with Drea and sighed heavily.

What have I gotten myself into? I know Celia’s one of my best friends and everything, but I’m not really into NSYNC. Oh well, what’s done is done.

Untitled Story
Let's Get 'N Fanfiction