"HEY! COME BACK HERE!!!! CHRIS!!!!!! I SWEAR IF YOU DON’T COME HERE RIGHT NOW, I’M GONNA KICK YOU SO FAR YOU’LL BE IN THE YEAR 2000 WHEN YOU LAND!!!" an annoyed voice shouted out in the middle of nowhere.

"Hey, I’m right here. It’s not like I left the country or anything. Though if I hadn’t been here when you called me I would’ve been, eh Joey?" Chris came up from behind and started talking in a normal voice.

"Chris! I want my pillow back right now!" Joey exclaimed. "And don’t even think of running off again, because I’ll get you this time!!!"

"What pillow? I think maybe Lance has it. The only pillow I have is my own, so I can’t give you yours back," Chris said. "I swear I don’t have it Joey."

"LANCE has it? LANCE? Well, he’s not as innocent as everyone thinks, now is he? Where is he? I think it’s time we had a little talk," Joey said. He thought he was being clever, but he was only going further with the joke. This was going exactly the way Chris had planned it, and it was one of his finer pranks. At least he thought so.

Joey found Lance and wasted no time whatsoever. He didn’t give Lance the time to explain, he just walked up to Lance and pushed him down.

"Lance, gimme my pillow back," he said angrily.

"What pillow?" Lance said. He had no idea where all this was coming from.

"Dammit, Lance, gimme the freakin’ pillow back. I’m tired and I want to go to sleep. Better yet, I NEED my sleep. So would you please be so kind as to GIVE MY BACK MY PILLOW????" Joey said. He was getting quite tired of this game and wanted it to end.

"God, Joey, you’re a little attached to that pillow, aren’t you? Seriously I have no idea where your stupid pillow is. Now get off me, I think I want to live a little longer, if you don’t mind," Lance said hastily, trying his best to push Joey off.

Joey suddenly forgot about his lost pillow and said, "Are you implying that I’m fat Lance?"

"No, Joey, I’m not. I just don’t want to die tonight. Now GET OFF ME before I tell Lou that you are trying to kill me."

By this time, the rest of the guys, JC, Chris, and Justin, had gathered around Joey and Lance, watching the whole thing.

"Joey, get off Lance," JC, the "father" of the group, said to Joey.

Joey looked up. "Did you know that my pillow is missing JC? This is serious."

"Not as serious as you think it is. There ARE extra pillows, you know, I’m sure you could get one," JC said.

"Yeah, but they’re not MY pillow. You guys know how I am," Joey said sadly. He looked at Chris. In Chris’ hand was a pillow. Joey’s missing pillow. As soon as Joey saw it, he got off Lance and headed towards Chris.

"Whoa, whoa there buddy. I FOUND this on the floor of the bus. Key word: FOUND. Why are you looking at me like that? JC, make him stop that!!!" Chris’s voice got more and more panicked as Joey got closer to him.

Joey went up to Chris and snatched the pillow from his hand. Chris took on the look of pure fear, like a deer in headlights. Then, very slowly, Joey raised his arm and then hit Chris with the pillow.

"Better Joey?" Chris asked him.

"Yes dammit now let me go sleep," he said and walked away.

Untitled Story
Let's Get 'N Fanfiction