Amber shivered as she walked out into the cold night air. She was from Savannah, Georgia, and was not quite used to the New York winter yet. She wished she could be in Georgia right now, where it was currently 60-degree weather. Al though she was only 20 years old, she was already beginning to be a regular at going to casting auditions. But she still had her hopes. As she crossed the street, she kept her eyes on the apartment complex in front of her. Home was a hop, skip, and a jump away. She pushed her weary body forward, and didn’t see the headlights from the oncoming bus until it was too late…

**Four Hours Later**

All five members of Nsync anxiously paced around the hospital’s waiting room, hoping for the best. Maybe if they hadn’t distracted the bus driver, he wouldn’t have turned around to yell at them, and he might have missed hitting the redheaded woman who was now so badly injured. Chris, Joey, and Justin all felt worse, though, mainly because J.C. and Lance were asleep, leaving those three to blame. Finally, the nurse came in. “How is she?” Chris asked, praying for good news. “Well, as you know, she was hit very hard, and her skull is fractured, but on top of that, she’s unconscious. If she makes it through the next 24 hours, she should be ok. “Can we go in and see her?” Justin asked. “Alright, but just as long as you go in one at a time, and stay for no longer than 10 minutes.” The nurse replied. “Oh, yes, her name is Amber Cummings, and she is 20 years old. It helps comatose people to be talked to, and it’s even better if they are called by name.” And with that, the nurse left. “I’ll go in first!” Joey said, and with that he bounded out of the waiting room before any one else could reply.

Twists of Fate
Let's Get 'N Fanfiction