Chapter 10

**Amber’s Dream**

The headlights were coming nearer and nearer, and she couldn’t stop them. They were like two comets, speeding towards her. She couldn’t move, and couldn’t breathe. Her brain was commanding her legs to run, but she remained paralyzed, rooted to the spot. Suddenly her body was hit with a crushing force, and she heard the sickening crunch of bones breaking. Then she was on the ground; blinded by the blood that she knew could only be her own. A faceless man peered over her, and she closed her eyes, not knowing where she was going or if she would ever come back…..

**End Dream**

“NOOO!!!!” She half-screamed, half-sobbed. “Amber?” Joey said, as he walked into her room. He had heard her moaning, and when she screamed, he knew something was wrong. At this point, Amber didn’t care who she was talking to. “Joey, I had the most awful nightmare.” By this time she was sobbing. “Shhh,” he soothed, pulling her close, and holing her as securely as he was able. “Tell me what it was about.” Joey said. “Well, all right.” she replied. “I was walking home from an audition, because it was really big part, and I needed a job desperately. I was crossing the street, to get to my apartment. But I never made it home.” She continued to describe her story. “Then what happened?” Joey asked, prompting her to keep going. “I was hit by--, I don’t know, a car or something. Anyway, all I could see was a man leaning over me. I couldn’t make out any of his features, and then I passed out. The dream was so real, Joey.” She cried. She was like a small child in his arms, so scared she didn’t realize how close they were at that moment. “Amber, I really hate to say this, but you’ve got to know.” Joey finally replied. “What is it?” Amber asked, more frightened than ever now. “You just described your accident.” Came the answer.

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