Chapter 14


By the time Justin reacted to the girl standing in front of him, everyone else had joined them. The other four guys were equally as shocked as he was. "Is- is - Jesse- home?" he stammered. For a while her brown eyes just gazed at him, but finally she opened her mouth to speak. "My friends call me Jesse, but my real name is Jessica. Jessica Collins." There was a brief, awkward moment, but Justin finally broke the silence. "I'm-gonna go get the bags." He blurted out, and darted out to the limousine. "We'll help!" JC volunteered. "Come on guys." Eventually, Jesse and Amber were the only ones left, and as they both went inside, Jesse slapped her. "Jesse, what was that for?" Amber yelped. "My names not Jesse anymore. Or did I tell you? I've decided to change it to Amee." She said glowering. "OK," Amber shrugged. "Amee, what was that for?" She yelped again. "YOU KNOW VERY WELL WHAT THAT WAS FOR. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT YOU WERE BRINGING 5 NOT ONLY UNEXPECTED, BUT 5 MALE GUESTS!!!!" Amee (AKA Jesse) screamed, slapping her again. "OWWW," Amber winced. "You're not supposed to injure the already wounded!!" Amee rolled her eyes. "Oh, shut up Amber. You look fine. But I'm not completely sure that you're going to stay that way." Amee grinned evilly. "Well, how was I supposed to know that you would be dressed in that little get up?" Amber replied innocently, knowing that had been the last thing on Ammo's mind. "What--? "Oh, shit. I forgot about--" Amee could have died of embarrassment right at that moment. She had been exercising in her living room, so she, thinking that it was only going to be Amber arriving, was only wearing a sports bra and some bicycling shorts. "You are sooooo dead!" Amee screamed, as she chased Amber up the stairs.


Justin was unloading the luggage at a furious rate. He just had to keep his thoughts off of Jesse. Amber was so going to die when he got a hold of her. Who knew that Jesse was a girl? Definitely not him. It was one of those names that could have easily gone either way. She was really beautiful with that long, jet-black hair that was so straight and even and flowed almost half-way down her back. And those eyes. They were like two brown, sparkling pools of light, and they glittered like jewels when the light caught them. He had only known her for a total of five minutes, and it shook him up inside whenever he even thought about her name.

Joey was almost soaring. There must be a God, and it must really love him. AMBER WAS SINGLE!!!!! The thought kept echoing through his mind. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt so happy. He bounced around, picking up some of the luggage, and ran back in the house, smiling the biggest smile anyone ever thought possible.

Chris slowly bent over to pick up another heavy bag. "JC, is it just me, or is something really wrong with those two?" Chris said, whispered, motioning towards Justin and Joey. Lance had already gone inside, and was resting on the couch. "Chris, just look at them. I think we can officially say that they have been bitten." JC responded. "Believe it or not, you acted the exact same way that they're acting right now when you first met Kristen." He finished. "Oh, yeah!! Thanks for reminding me!!" Chris yelled, as he ran back into the house. JC watched, confused, as he disappeared into the house, and he was even more so when he saw Chris reemerge on the porch, with a cell phone in hand. "Yeah, ok, we'll see you at 7. Love you, too. Bye." Chris happily hung up the cell phone, and grinned at JC. "Hey, guess what two girls are going to go out tonight, with us?" He asked, smiling. "Chris, I don't believe you!!!! Jasmine was there, and you didn't even let me speak to her?!?!?! Just for that, you may not live to see 7." He threatened. As JC ran to grab the phone from Chris, and to get ready for the night, the luggage remained forgotten, in anticipation of the night ahead.

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