"You are soooo dead," Amee screamed, chasing Amber up the stairs. "Hey, guys?" a voice called weakly, "Can you please keep the noise down just a teeny bit?" Amber followed the voice into one of Amee's giant bedrooms, and saw a blonde-haired girl who looked about 19 laying on the comfy looking bed. "Katy!" Amber screamed, running over to give her friend a hug. "Hey, watch the noise!" She smiled, and weakly returned the hug. "I was going to surprise you, Am, but I wasn't planning on getting so air sick." Katy said. "That's ok," Amber replied "One of the best things about being airsick is that it will go away. I haven't seen you in forever!" She said happily. For as long as each of them could remember they had always been best friends.

"Awww, how sweet." Chris's voice came from the doorway. Another figure was standing nest to him, whom they soon came to recognize as JC. "Hey, Amber, do you have any plans for tonight?" JC asked, getting right down to business. "Well, seeing as I've only been in town for about--" Amber paused to check her watch "30 minutes, I haven't had time to make any. Why?" she answered. This time Chris spoke. "Because we need our two favoritest girls in the whole world to go out with our two best buddies. He said. "Wait a minute" Amee said, interrupting him. "I thought there were five of you." "Well, there are, but Lance is totally wiped out from the trip. It's funny. He's never been like that before." JC said. "So, IF we agree, where are you guys going to go?" Amber asked. "Dancing!" Chris yelled, and Katy once again winced. "Oh, sorry--" Chris began, and then realized he didn't know who she was. "Katy" she finished for him. "Katy, huh? Cool. I'm Chris, and this is JC." He said, introducing himself. "Hi," she said wearily. Something told her she should watch out for that Chris guy.

"Get a move on, Chris! Jas, and Kristen are going to be here at 7!" JC yelled, leaving to get ready. "But.." Amee started to reply. "Thanks, you guys! We owe you one!" Chris said, as he left the room, leaving the two girls standing there, unsure what to do next.


"WHAT!!!" Justin yelled. "Hey watch it!" JC admonished him. "There are some sick people here." Justin quieted down. " Go out with Jesse?" Are you insane? You must have missed our encounter this afternoon." He said. There was no way he would allow himself to go through that kind of humiliation again. No way in hell. "Well, then you can just go out with Amber." Chris replied.

At that last comment, Justin's riveted towards Joey. Just as he had thought, Joey's head snapped up and he suddenly paid full attention to what was happening. After he had heard that Amber and Jesse would be tagging along, he automatically drifted off into his own world, and was almost floating in the air. But Justin and Amber? No, it just couldn't happen.

"We-e-ll," Justin finally answered. " I do want to check out that Mustang, and since Joey is SO totally enraptured with Amber, I'll risk going out with Jesse." Joey, although glowering at his friends on the outside, was inwardly cheering.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. With all of their talking, they hadn't realized how fast time flew by, and it was now 7:00 sharp. As JC and Chris ran to answer it, Amber and Amee (Jesse to the guys. They haven't been notified of the name change as of yet.) as if on cue, slowly began their descent down the spiral staircase. Both Joey and Justin could only stare at the two gorgeous girls standing in front of them.

* * * * *