"Whoa," Justin mumbled, once he finally remembered to breathe. Although Joey felt the same way, he managed to hold in his emotions. Mae was wearing a royal purple, cap sleeved, square neck top, that went very well with her black stretchy flare pants, and accented her curves in all of the right places. Amber, on the other hand, was wearing a spaghetti strap black dress, that fell about mid-thigh, and was covered in sparkly flowers. As the two of them were escorted by their "dates" out into the front hall, the heard a loud scream. "CCHHRRIIISSS!" a female voice shrieked. "I'm guessing that that would be Kristen." Amber said aloud. Finally they entered the corridor. (It was a very big house) Four figures slowly came into view. Kristen was a tall, tan-skinned brunette who had blonde streaks in her hair, and she looked around 25. She looked sensational, and her out fit (a lavender tank top, and some capri pants) complimented her already beautiful figure.

Jasmine and JC were a lot more quiet, however. "I missed you." Jasmine said softly, her dark brown eyes looking up into his intense blue ones. "Not nearly as much as I missed you," he said, bending over to kiss her. She was a petite brunette, around 21 years old, and Amber could understand why JC liked her. She seemed like such a wise and understanding person. The two really did go perfectly together. "Well, are you guys ready to go or what?" Justin said, interrupting everything. He just wanted to get the whole thing over with. It wasn't that he didn't like Jesse, (Amee) it was just, well, he was still humiliated from the incident earlier. But she did look gorgeous tonight. All eight members of the party finally split up into groups of fours, and they each went in a different car, agreeing to meet at the same club. Kristen, Chris, Justin and Amee went off in her Mustang while Joey, Amber, Jas, and JC went off in Jasmine's black Ferrari. Jasmine didn't feel like driving, though, so Joey took the driver's seat. He was partly glad to be doing that though. Anything just to keep his mind off of Amber.


Katy weakly hobbled down Amee's stairway. Though she was feeling better, she knew she still had a while to go before she felt better. As she walked into the den, she saw the TV blaring, and someone was laying on the couch. All she could tell was that it was a guy. She plopped down in the chair, causing the male to jump. "Oh, hi." He said. She picked up on his deep voice right away. "I didn't know that anyone else was here." He finished. "Neither did I." She confessed. "Well any way, my name is Katy." She said. "Mines Lance." He replied. "Nice to meet you." Now she fully caught a glimpse of him, and the first thing she noticed were his beautiful green eyes. He seemed really nice. "So why are you here?" Katy asked, curious as to how all of these guys whom she had never met suddenly showed up at Amee's house. She was Amee's best friend, and she had NEVER known of a Lance, JC, or Chris that Amee associated with. "It's a long story," Lance replied, "But we've got time if you want to hear it." "Sounds good to me," Katy smiled, ready for him to begin. "Well, it all started about a week and a half ago." Lance began…

Justin and Amee's Car….

"So, um, Jesse, do you like dancing?" Justin asked. He was driving, and Amee was sitting right next to him, with Kristen and Chris doing God knows what in the back. "You know what? I forgot to tell you. My name is Amee now. Amee Pham. And no, I really don't mind dancing, but tonight I'm just not in the mood." She replied. "Yeah, I'm really not up to it either." Justin agreed. Just then they pulled up. "Well, we're here!!" Kristen announced, happily. "YAY!!!!" Chris yelled, as he and Kristen jumped out of the car. Suddenly Justin spoke. "Hey you know what, guys? Amee and I will just have to meet you later. We really need to talk." Justin yelled as he gunned the motor, pulling away with a very surprised and puzzled Amee.

Joey, Amber, Jas, and JC were driving to the club together, but all were in their own world. Jasmine and JC didn't use any words, but they didn't need to. Their body language indicated their adoration for one another.

Joey and Amber, however, went through the drive saying almost nothing. They were stuck in the verbal communications department. Finally, after what seemed like hours, they arrived. Jasmine and JC didn't go directly into the club, though. Instead, they got out of the car, and began walking down a crowded street, where they soon became lost amongst the crowd. "Where…" Amber questioned, as she watched them go. Joey just shook his head. "They haven't seen each other in moths. It's really hard to be away from someone for so long and just, well, pick up where you left off. But they never seem to have a problem. They're…" "Meant to be." Amber finished for him. "Do you really feel like dancing?" she asked him. "Not especially." He confessed, and they smiled at each other. "Well, then, what are we waiting for?" he said gunning the ignition, and with that, they blasted out of there.

* * * * *